Man pages for Paul-A-Kavan/rhot

helloHello, World!
hot_add_listenerSet event listeners on the hot object
hot_attachAttach data to the hot object
hot_cellSet cell-level settings.
hot_columnSet column-level settings.
hot_menuConfigure table's context menu.
hot_register_editorRegister a custom editor with Handsontable
hot_register_rendererRegister a custom cell renderer
hot_register_validatorRegister a custom cell validator
hot_styleSet styles for the table.
hot_tableSet table-level settings.
register_renderer_customRegister a custom validator with Handsontable
register_renderer_heatmapRegister a custom validator with Handsontable
register_validator_characterRegister a custom validator with Handsontable
register_validator_customRegister a custom validator with Handsontable
register_validator_numericRegister a custom validator with Handsontable
rhot<Add Title>
rhot-shinyShiny bindings for rhot
Paul-A-Kavan/rhot documentation built on Oct. 29, 2022, 8:07 a.m.