hot_column: Set column-level settings.

View source: R/hot_column.R

hot_columnR Documentation

Set column-level settings.


Pass settings to the handsontable object that are column specific. The function is vectorized over columns and the settings. This means that you can set the same settings for different columns and different settings for different columns in the same call.


  returnType = NULL,
  allowInvalid = NULL,
  colWidth = NULL,
  copyable = NULL,
  copyPaste = NULL,
  correctFormat = NULL,
  dateFormat = NULL,
  defaultDate = NULL,
  editor = NULL,
  filter = NULL,
  filteringCaseSensitive = NULL,
  label = NULL,
  numericFormat = NULL,
  placeholder = NULL,
  readOnly = NULL,
  renderer = NULL,
  selectOptions = NULL,
  skipColumnOnPaste = NULL,
  source = NULL,
  strict = NULL,
  title = NULL,
  trimDropdown = NULL,
  trimWhitespace = NULL,
  type = NULL,
  validator = NULL,
  visibleRows = NULL,
  wordWrap = NULL,
  halign = NULL,
  valign = NULL,



The Handsontable object created by rhot().


Vector to specify which columns for the provided settings. Can be numeric vector of column indexes or character vector of column names.


Sets the R-class that will be used to deserialize data back into R. By default these are set by the class of the columns in the data.frame provided to rhot().


Boolean topermit or remove copy and paste action on a column. The Handsontable library defaults this value to TRUE.


default options: 'autocomplete', 'checkbox', 'html', 'numeric', 'password', 'text' or custRenderer


String to set the column header. Doesn't alter the colnames of the underlying data frame.


Character vector defining the type for each column. This is the preferred way of setting the editor, renderer, and validator (ERV) for a column when using predefined column types. To further customize your table, supply the type then override any or all of the three ERV settings.


Character vector with names of validator to be used for the column. Setting validator explicitly will override the validator that is implied by setting the column type. Handsontable provides 'autocomplete','date','dropdown', 'numeric', 'time' as prebuilt validators. See details for explanation of each. For further customization you can register your own custom validator by using rhot::validator_register_custom and then passing that validator's name to this parameter.


Additional settings passed to the column object.


## Type, Editor, Renderer, Validator

## Validator ### Standard options These are the options provided by Handsontable. autocomplete date dropdown numeric time custom validator: see rhot::validator_register_custom() ### Custom Validator

Paul-A-Kavan/rhot documentation built on Oct. 29, 2022, 8:07 a.m.