par_option: Helper for defining the settings of a parameter

View source: R/fit.R

par_optionR Documentation

Helper for defining the settings of a parameter


Helper for defining the settings of a parameter


par_option(option = "fixed", mean = 0, sd = 1)



Should the parameter be estimated freely ("fixed"), coupled across groups ("coupled"), revolve around an estimated mean and sd ("random"), or a fixed mean and sd ("prior"). The "coupled" and "random" options are not applicable if only one parameter is estimated (e.g. log_K).


Mean value of the parameter. Treated as a starting value if option is "random" or as a prior if option is option is "prior". Ignored if option is "fixed", or "coupled".


SD value of the parameter. Treated as a starting value if option is "random" or a prior if option is "prior". Ignored if option is "fixed", or "coupled".


mean and sdinputs can be a vector of equal length as the number of parameter values if priors are being defined.

PaulRegular/MSP documentation built on March 1, 2025, 1:49 p.m.