Man pages for PhHermann/LDJump
Estimating Variable Recombination Rates from Population Genetic Data

calcRegModCalculate Regression Model under User Input Demography...
check_continueChecks whether there are SNPs in each segment
get_impute_dataData management to obtain data used for imputation
getPhiSummary Statistics to estimate recombination from PhiPack
get_smuceSegmentation Algorithm to Estimate Breakpoints in the...
imputeImputation of estimated recombination rates for segments...
LDJumpEstimate Variable Recomination Rates from Population Genetic...
list.quantile.regsQuantile Regressions for Bias Correction
mod.fullRegression model to Estimate (constant) Recombination Rates...
mod.full.demoRegression model to Estimate (constant) Recombination Rates...
summary_statisticsSummary Statistics per Segment
vcfR_to_fastaConversion of vcf to fasta Format
vcf_statisticsCalculating statistics on VCF-files.
PhHermann/LDJump documentation built on Nov. 16, 2019, 12:53 p.m.