Man pages for PolicyAnalysisInc/heRoMod
Health Economic Modeling

acceptability_curveAcceptability Curve from Probabilistic Analysis
as_expr_listConvert Lazy Dots to Expression List
by_groupDefine a formula whose value is group-dependent
by_group_hackHack to Automate Use of Group Name
by_strategyDefine a formula whose value is strategy-dependent
calibrate_modelCalibrate Model Parameters
ce_strategyCost and effectiveness per strategy
check_matrixCheck Markov Model Transition Matrix
check_namesCheck Names
check_statesCheck Model States for Consistency
check_strategy_indexCheck Strategy Index
clean_factorsConvert Data Frame Factor Variables to Character
c_linearLinearization of cost
clusterRun 'heRomod' on a Cluster
combine_modelsCombine Multiple Models
combine_probsCombine Probabilities
compute_countsCompute Count of Individual in Each State per Cycle
compute_evppiCompute Expected Value of partial Perfect Information (EVPPI)
compute_icerCompute ICER
compute_valuesCompute State Values per Cycle
create_demographic_tableRead a Demographic Table
create_df_from_tabularLoad Data From a Folder Into an Environment
create_matrix_from_tabularCreate a Transition Matrix From Tabular Input
create_model_from_tabularCreate a 'heRomod' Model From Tabular Files Info
create_model_list_from_tabularRead Models Specified by Files
create_options_from_tabularCreate Model Options From a Tabular Input
create_parameters_from_tabularCreate a Parameter Definition From Tabular Input
create_states_from_tabularCreate State Definitions From Tabular Input
define_calibration_fnDefine Calibration Function
define_correlationDefine a Correlation Structure for Probabilistic Uncertainty...
define_dsaDefine a Sensitivity Analysis
define_evppiDefine an Expected Value of Partial Perfect Information...
define_inflowDefine Inflow for a BIA
define_initDefine Initial Counts
define_parametersDefine Markov Model Parameters
define_part_survDefine Partitioned Survival
define_part_surv_customConvert saved fits to partitioned survival objects
define_psaDefine Parameters Distribution for Probabilistic Analysis
define_starting_valuesDefine Starting State Values
define_stateDefine a Markov Model State
define_state_listDefine Markov Model State List
define_state_transitionDefine a Markov Model State Transition
define_state_transition_listDefine Markov Model State Transition List
define_strategyDefine a Markov Model
define_transitionDefine Transition Matrix for Markov Model
define_vbpDefine a Value-Based Pricing Analysis
discountDiscount a Quantity Over Time
discount_hackHack to Work Around a Discounting Issue
dispatch_strategyDispatch Values According to Strategy
dispatch_strategy_hackHack to Automate Use of Strategy Name
distributionsProbability Density Functions for Probabilistic Uncertainty...
eval_models_from_tabularEvaluate Models From a Tabular Source
eval_parametersEvaluate Markov model parameters
eval_resampleEvaluate Resampling Definition
eval_state_listEvaluate Markov Model States
eval_strategyEvaluate Strategy
eval_strategy_newdataIteratively Evaluate a Markov Model With New Parameter Values
eval_transitionEvaluate Markov Model Transition Matrix
export_saviExport PSA Results for SAVI
file-checkersCheck File Type
filter_blanksRemove Blank Rows From Table
gather_model_infoGather Information for Running a Model From Tabular Data
get_countsGet State Membership Counts
get_frontierReturn Efficiency Frontier
get_matrix_orderReturn Markov Model Transition Matrix Order
get_parameter_namesReturn parameters names
get_state_namesGet State Names
get_state_numberReturn Number of State
get_state_value_namesReturn Names of State Values
get_transitionGet Markov Model Transition Matrix
get_valuesGet Strategy Values
heRomodheRomod: Health Economic Evaluation MODelling
heRomod_scaleNormalize Cost and Effect
insertInsert Elements in Vector
interpolateInterpolate Lazy Dots
is.wholenumberCheck Wholenumbers
list_all_sameCheck if All the Elements of a List Are the Same
look_upLook Up Values in a Data Frame
make_namesMake Syntactically Valid Names
mclapplyOverwrite the serial version of mclapply on Windows only
mclapply_socketDefine a sockets version of mclapply
modifyModify Object
param_in_strategyParameter influences strategy
parse_multi_specSpecify Inputs for Multiple Models From a Single File
p_compPrice of comparator strategy
plot.dsaPlot Sensitivity Analysis
plot.evppi_resPlot Results of Expected Value of Partial Perfect Information...
plot.psaPlot Results of Probabilistic Analysis
plot.run_modelPlot Results of a Markov Model
plot.vbpPlot Sensitivity Analysis
plurReturns "s" if x > 1
probabilityConvenience Functions to Compute Probabilities
read_fileRead the accepted file formats for tabular input
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
reindent_transitionReindent Transition Matrix
rescale_discount_rateRescale Discount Rate
resolve_dependencies.defaultReorder a list of expressions to resolve dependencies
run_bceaUse the BCEA package
run_dsaRun Sensitivity Analysis
run_modelRun Markov Model
run_model_tabularRun Analyses From Files
run_psaRun Probabilistic Uncertainty Analysis
run_vbpRun Value-Based Price Analysis
safe_conversionSafely Convert From Characters to Numbers
save_outputsSave Model Outputs
summary.run_modelSummarise Markov Model Results
summary.vbpSummarise Value-Based Pricing Results
update_modelRun Model on New Data
who_mortalityUse WHO Mortality Rate
wtd_summaryWeighted Summary
PolicyAnalysisInc/heRoMod documentation built on March 23, 2024, 4:29 p.m.