Man pages for PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.core
Core Utilities for Developing and Running Spatially Explicit Discrete Event Models

addChangedAttr'.addChangedAttr' for 'simList' objects
addDependsAdd simulation dependencies
addTagsToOutput'.addTagsToOutput' for 'simList' objects
all.equal.simListAll equal method for 'simList' objects
anyPlottingTest whether there should be any plotting from '.plots'...
append_attrAppend attributes
bindrowsSimple wrapper around 'data.table::rbindlist'
cacheMessage'.cacheMessage' for 'simList' objects
checkCacheRepo'.checkCacheRepo' for 'simList' objects
checkModuleCheck for the existence of a remote module
checkModuleLocalCheck for the existence of a module locally
checkModulePathUses "." if getPath not set
checkObjectCheck for existence of object(s) referenced by a 'objects'...
checkParamsCheck use and existence of parameters passed to simulation.
checkpointSimulation checkpoints
checksumsCalculate checksum for a module's data files
citationA citation method for 'SpaDES' modules
classFilterFilter objects by class
clearCache'clearCache' for 'simList' objects
convertToPackageConvert standard module code into an R package
CopyCopy for 'simList' class objects
copyModuleCreate a copy of an existing module
coreModulesNamed list of core 'SpaDES' modules
createsOutputDefine an output object of a module
dealWithClassMethods for '.wrap' and '.unwrap'
defineEventAlternative way to define events in SpaDES.core
defineModuleDefine a new module.
defineParameterDefine a parameter used in a module
deprecatedZip a 'simList' and various files
depsEdgeListBuild edge list for module dependency graph
depsGraphBuild a module dependency graph
depsLoadOrderDetermine module load order
depsPruneEdgesPrune edges to remove cycles in module dependencies
doEventProcess a simulation event
dot-cleanPkgsstrip GitHub repo info from vector of packages
dot-findObjectsFind objects if passed as character strings
dot-guessPkgFunGuess package of a function
dot-paramsReserved module parameter names
downloadDataDownload module data
downloadModuleDownload a module from a SpaDES module GitHub repository
emptyEventListBlank (template) event list
emptyMetadataDefault (empty) metadata
eventDiagramSimulation event diagram
expectsInputDefine an input object that the module expects.
extractURLExtract a url from module metadata
fileEditOpen a file for editing
fileNameExtract filename (without extension) of a file
fileTableCreate empty 'fileTable' for inputs and outputs
fillInputRowsAn internal function for coercing a data.frame to 'inputs()'
fillOutputRowsAn internal function for coercing a data.frame to 'outputs()'
FilterRecursiveRecursively Filter a list
findElementsFind all references to sim$
findModuleNameIdentify module names up to a given recursive level
findSimListFind 'simList' in a nested list
getModuleInputObjectsExtract the user-defined '.inputObjects' function from a...
getModuleVersionFind the latest module version from a SpaDES module...
getOptionA slightly modified version of 'getOption()'
getSampleFilesGet copies of sample files for examples and tests
globalsGet and set global simulation parameters
identifyChildModulesIdentify child modules from a recursive list
initialize-methodGenerate a 'simList' object
inputObjectsDFCreate an empty 'data.frame' object for use with...
isNamespacedCheck is module uses module namespacing
keepAttrsAttach missing attributes from 'x' to 'y'
loadFilesFile extensions map
loadSimListLoad a saved 'simList' and ancillary files
makeMemoisableMake 'simList' correctly work with 'memoise'
maxTimeunitDetermine the largest timestep unit in a simulation
memoryUseEstimate memory used with 'system("ps")'
minTimeunitDetermine the smallest timeunit in a simulation
modifySearchPathModify package order in search path
moduleCodeFilesExtract the full file paths for R source code
moduleCoverageCalculate module coverage of unit tests
moduleDefaultsDefaults values used in 'defineModule'
moduleDeps-classThe '.moduleDeps' class
moduleDiagramSimulation module dependency diagram
moduleGraphBuild a module dependency graph
moduleMetadataParse and extract module metadata
moduleParamsInputsOuputsExtract a module's parameters, inputs, or outputs
moduleVersionParse and extract a module's version
namespacingNamespacing within 'SpaDES'
newModuleCreate new module from template
newModuleTestsCreate template testing structures for new modules
newProjectCreate new SpaDES project
newProjectCodeCreate new module code file
noEventWarningText for no event with that name
objectDiagramSimulation object dependency diagram
objectsExtract or replace an object from the simulation environment
objectSynonymsIdentify synonyms in a 'simList'
objSize.simListObject size for 'simList'
openModulesOpen all modules nested within a base directory
packagesGet module or simulation package dependencies
paramCheckOtherModsTest and update a parameter against same parameter in other...
paramsGet and set simulation parameters
parseElems'.parseElems' for 'simList' class objects
parseMessagePrepend module name to a message
parseModuleParse and initialize a module
pkgEnvThe 'SpaDES.core' package environment
PlotPlot method for 'simList' objects
Plots'Plot' wrapper intended for use in a SpaDES module
preDigestByClassPre-digesting method for 'simList'
prepareOutput'.prepareOutput' for 'simList' objects
priorityEvent priority
progressGet and set simulation progress bar details
progressBarProgress bar
quickCheckThe 'SpaDES.core' variable to switch between quick and robust...
rasterCreateSimple wrapper to load any Raster* object
rasterToMemoryRead raster to memory
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remoteFileSizeDetermine the size of a remotely hosted file
restartRRestart R programmatically
restartSpadesRestart an interrupted simulation
rndstrGenerate random strings
robustDigest'.robustDigest' for 'simList' objects
runCodeChecksRuns a series of code checks during 'simInit()'
runModuleInputsObjectsRun module's '.inputObjects'
savedSimEnvRetrieve environment for saving interrupted simulations
saveFilesSave objects using '.saveObjects' in 'params' slot of...
saveSimListSave a whole 'simList' object to disk
scheduleConditionalEventSchedule a conditional simulation event
scheduleEventSchedule a simulation event
setPathsGet and set default working directories
show-methodShow an Object
simDeps-classThe '.simDeps' class
simFileGenerate simulation file name
simInitInitialize a new simulation
simInitAndSpades'simInitAndSpades2' is a convenience wrapper for...
simList-accessors-envirSimulation environment
simList-accessors-eventsSimulation event lists
simList-accessors-inputsSimulation inputs
simList-accessors-metadataMetadata accessors
simList-accessors-modulesSimulation modules and dependencies
simList-accessors-objectsShow which objects were first created in a 'simInit' or...
simList-accessors-outputsSimulation outputs
simList-accessors-pathsSpecify paths for modules, inputs, outputs, and temporary...
simList-accessors-timesTime usage in 'SpaDES'
simList-classThe 'simList' class
spades'spades2' is a convenience wrapper for ',...
spades-classesClasses defined in SpaDES
SpaDES.core-packageCategorized overview of the 'SpaDES.core' package
spadesOptions'SpaDES.core' options
spadesTimeSpaDES time units
sub-simList-character-ANY-methodExtract an intact 'simList' but with subset of objects
suppliedElsewhereAssess whether an object has or will be supplied from...
tagsByClass'.tagsByClass' for 'simList' objects
timeConversionConvert time units
tryCatch'tryCatch' that keeps warnings, errors and value (result)
unparsedDetermine which modules in a list are unparsed
updateListUpdate elements of a named list with elements of a second...
use_ghaUse GitHub actions for automated module checking
verbChose verb conjugation for "to be"
writeEventInfoWrite simulation event info to file
writeRNGInfoWrite RNG state info to file
zipModuleCreate a zip archive of a module subdirectory
PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.core documentation built on June 7, 2024, 5:32 a.m.