Man pages for PredictiveEcology/
Additional Tools for Developing Spatially Explicit Discrete Event Simulation (SpaDES) Models

adjFast 'adjacent' function, and Just In Time compiled version
cirIdentify pixels in a circle or ring (doughnut) around an...
cirSpecialQuickThis is a very fast version of 'cir' with 'allowOverlap =...
deprecated'fastCrop' is deprecated.
directionsCalculate distances and directions between many points and...
distanceFromEachPointCalculate distances and directions between many points and...
distancesAlternative point distance (and direction) calculations
duplicatedRcpp duplicated on integers using Rcpp Sugar
dwrpnorm2Vectorized wrapped normal density function
findFactorsFind factors
gaussMapProduce a 'raster' of a random Gaussian process.
headingHeading between spatial points.
initiateAgents'SELES' - Initiate agents
inRangeTest whether a number lies within range [a,b]
matchedPointDirectionCalculate matched point directions
middlePixelReturn the (approximate) middle pixel on a raster
neutralLandscapeMapProduce a neutral landscape using a midpoint displacement...
patchSizePatch size
pkgEnvThe '' package environment
randomPolygonsProduce a 'SpatRaster' of random polygons
randomStudyAreaCreate default study areas for use with 'SpaDES' modules
rasterizeReducedConvert reduced representation to full raster
rcpp-extrasRcpp Sugar version of runif
resampleAdapted directly from the 'base::sample()' help file.
ringsIdentifies all cells within a ring around the focal cells
SELESagentLocation'SELES' - Agent Location at initiation
SELESnumAgentsSELES - Number of Agents to initiate
SELESprobInit'SELES' - Probability of Initiation
SELEStransitions'SELES' - Transitioning to next time step overview of the '' package
specnumperpatch-probsInitiate a specific number of agents in a map of patches
splitRasterSplit and re-merge 'RasterLayer'(s)
spokesIdentify outward radiating spokes from initial points
spreadSimulate a spread process on a landscape.
spread2Simulate a contagious spread process on a landscape, with...
spread2-internalsInternal helpers
spread3An alternative spread function, conceived for insects
testEquivalentMetadataTest that metadata of 2 or more objects is the same
wrapWrap coordinates or pixels in a torus-like fashion
PredictiveEcology/ documentation built on June 2, 2024, 4:15 a.m.