wrap: Wrap coordinates or pixels in a torus-like fashion

View source: R/neighbourhood.R

wrapR Documentation

Wrap coordinates or pixels in a torus-like fashion


Generally useful for model development purposes. Primarily used internally in e.g., crw if torus = TRUE.


wrap(X, bounds, withHeading = FALSE)



SpatVector, sf, or matrix of coordinates.


Either a ⁠SpatRaster*⁠, Extent, or bbox object defining bounds to wrap around.


logical. If TRUE, the previous points must be wrapped also so that the subsequent heading calculation will work. Default FALSE. See details.


If withHeading used, then X must be an sf or SpatVector object that contains two columns, x1 and y1, with the immediately previous agent locations.


Object of the same class as X, but with coordinates updated to reflect the wrapping.


Eliot McIntire


origDTThreads <- data.table::setDTthreads(2L)
origNcpus <- options(Ncpus = 2L)

xrange <- yrange <- c(-50, 50)
hab <- terra::rast(terra::ext(c(xrange, yrange)))
hab[] <- 0

# initialize agents
N <- 10

# previous points
x1 <- y1 <- rep(0, N)
# initial points
starts <- cbind(x = stats::runif(N, xrange[1], xrange[2]),
                y = stats::runif(N, yrange[1], yrange[2]))

# create the agent object # the x1 and y1 are needed for "previous location"
agent <- terra::vect(data.frame(x1, y1, starts), geom = c("x", "y"))

ln <- rlnorm(N, 1, 0.02) # log normal step length
sd <- 30 # could be specified globally in params

if (interactive()) {
  # clearPlot()
  terra::plot(hab, col = "white")

for (i in 1:10) {
  agent <- crw(agent = agent, extent = terra::ext(hab), stepLength = ln,
               stddev = sd, lonlat = FALSE, torus = FALSE) # don't wrap
  if (interactive()) terra::plot(agent[, 1], add = TRUE, col = 1:10)
terra::crds(agent) # many are "off" the map, i.e., beyond the extent of hab
agent <- SpaDES.tools::wrap(agent, bounds = terra::ext(hab))
terra::plot(agent, add = TRUE, col = 1:10) # now inside the extent of hab

# clean up
options(Ncpus = origNcpus)

PredictiveEcology/SpaDES.tools documentation built on June 2, 2024, 4:15 a.m.