Man pages for PredictiveEcology/pemisc
Miscellaneous Utilities Developed by the Predictive Ecology Group

availableMemoryReport the estimated amount of available memory in the OS
biomassCalculationCalculate above ground biomass for Canadian tree species
createPrjFileCreate a '.prj' file
dot-NCONNECTIONSMaximum number of cores that R can actually use
factorValues2Faster version of 'raster::factorValues()'
getLocalArgsForFind sources for arguments in arbitrary function(s)
ghPkgNameGet the package name from a GitHub 'repo/package@branch'...
identifyVectorArgsIdentify the source for arguments passed to an arbitrary...
isGitHubPkgCheck whether a package is one installed from GitHub
makeClusterRandom'makeForkCluster' with random seed set
makeIpsCreate IP addresses for network cluster
makeOptimalClusterCreate a parallel Fork cluster, if useful
Map2'Map' and 'parallel::clusterMap' together
MapOrDoCall'Map'/'lapply' all in one
messageDFUse message to print a clean, rectangular data structure
normalizeStackNormalize each layer of a 'RasterStack'
numActiveThreadsCount number of active threads
optimalClusterNumDetermine the number of nodes to use in a new cluster
pemisc-package'pemisc' package
pkgDepsGraphBuild the pkg dependency graph
prepFireCanadaDownload the National Burn Area Composite (Fires) in Canada
rasterToMatchExtract or create a raster to match
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
reproducibilityReceiptReproducibility receipt for Rmarkdown documents
termsInDataExtract terms in a quoted model statement
PredictiveEcology/pemisc documentation built on Sept. 19, 2022, 7 p.m.