
# library(data.table)
# origDTthreads <- getDTthreads()
# wantMoreTests <- isInteractive() || Sys.info()["user"] %in% "emcintir"
# if (wantMoreTests) {# this is for covr::package_coverage
#   Sys.setenv(NOT_CRAN = "true")
#   Sys.setenv(SKIP_GAUTH = "true")
# }
# opts <- options(
#   reproducible.runLargeFileTests = FALSE # Set to TRUE to run the 2 long tests -- 20 minutes
# )
# setDTthreads(2)
# withr::defer({
#   if (wantMoreTests) {
#     print(paste0("getOption('reproducible.rasterRead') = ", getOption("reproducible.rasterRead")))
#     print(paste0("getOption('reproducible.runLargeFileTests') = ", getOption('reproducible.runLargeFileTests')))
#     print(paste0("getOption('reproducible.useDBI') = ", getOption('reproducible.useDBI')))
#     Sys.setenv(NOT_CRAN = "")
#     Sys.setenv(SKIP_GAUTH = "")
#   }
#   options(opts)
#   setDTthreads(origDTthreads)
#   try(unlink("CHECKSUMS.txt"), silent = TRUE) # comes from an unknown place
# }, teardown_env())
# if (wantMoreTests) {
#   print(paste0("getOption('reproducible.rasterRead') = ", getOption("reproducible.rasterRead")))
#   print(paste0("getOption('reproducible.runLargeFileTests') = ", getOption('reproducible.runLargeFileTests')))
#   print(paste0("getOption('reproducible.useDBI') = ", getOption('reproducible.useDBI')))
# }
PredictiveEcology/quickPlot documentation built on July 8, 2023, 1:29 a.m.