
Defines functions .onLoad .MotifDb

MotifDb <- NULL
.MotifDb = function(loadAllSources=TRUE, quiet=TRUE)
  mdb = MotifList()

  if(loadAllSources) {
    data.path = system.file('extdata', package='MotifDb')
    data.files = dir(data.path, full.names=TRUE)
       # this next filter allows for the storage of other file types - with different
       # extensions - in extdata/
    data.files <- grep(".RData$", data.files, value=TRUE)
    for(data.file in data.files) {
       # define these to keep 'check' happy.  they are loaded by 'load'
      tbl.md = NA; matrices = NA;
      # print(noquote(sprintf("--- about to load and append from file '%s'", data.file)))
      variables = load(data.file)
      mdb = append(mdb, MotifList(matrices, tbl.md))
        message(noquote(sprintf('added %s(%d) matrices, length now: %d',
                 basename(data.file), length(matrices), length(mdb))))
    } # for data.file

    if(!quiet) {
    } # if loadAllSources

   message('See system.file("LICENSE", package="MotifDb") for use restrictions.')


} # MotifDb
.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname)
    MotifDb <<- .MotifDb(loadAllSources=TRUE, quiet=TRUE)
PriceLab/MotifDb documentation built on March 23, 2022, 7:42 p.m.