
  1. Downscale continent level datasets to level of different countries. Notes:
  2. For the first round of doing this to redevelop tradeoff model, I am going to start with the 10 km resolution for faster development.
  3. The code below can be modified so that inputs at any scale can be created. E.g. for whole Africa inputs, or all GS, then a code can be specified to select the data for a specific region, such as Guinea savanna range countries, or a specific country.
p_proj <- set_base_path()
p_dat <- full_path(p_proj, "external/base_data")
# This will be done in lapply if more than one country is being assessed
cnames <- "ZA"  # "GSR" could be added to specify data for all range states
load("data/cropnames.rda")  # load cropnames 
# (note: we might have to redo selection for each country)
load("data/crop-prod-table.rda")  # save the currently used crop names in data folder
cntr_l <- lapply(cnames, function(x) {
  cntr <- raster(paste0(p_dat, "/", x, "-grid.tif"))  # 
names(cntr_l) <- cnames
af <- readOGR(dsn = "external/base_data/africa_countries_alb.sqlite", 
              layer = "africa_countries_alb")
afgcs <- readOGR(dsn = "external/base_data/africa_noislands.sqlite", 
                 layer = "africa_noislands")

Downsample to desired resolution

Working with 1 km, so need the 1 km master grid

mgrids <- lapply(cnames, function(x) {
 raster(full_path(p_dat, paste0(x, "-grid.tif")))
names(mgrids) <- cnames

Fix crop datasets

# Crops
# current production
# lapply(cnames, function(x) {
#   # x <- "ZA"
#   fname <- full_path("external/base_data/", paste0(x, "-current-production.tif"))
#   b <- crop(brick("external/base_data/current-production.tif"), cntr_l[[x]])
#   b <- resample(b, mgrids[[x]])
#   b <- mask(b, af[af$fips_cntry == x,  ])
#   writeRaster(b, filename = fname, overwrite = TRUE)
# })

# Production areas
lapply(cnames, function(x) {
  fname <- full_path("external/base_data/", paste0(x, "-crop-areas.tif"))
  b <- crop(brick(fname), cntr_l[[x]])
  b <- resample(b, mgrids[[x]])
  b <- mask(b, af[af$fips_cntry == x,  ])
  writeRaster(b, filename = fname, overwrite = TRUE)
careas <- lapply(cnames, function(x) {
   brick(full_path("external/base_data/", paste0(x, "-crop-areas.tif")))

# current yields
lapply(cnames, function(x) { # x <- "ZA"
  fname <- full_path("external/base_data/", paste0(x, "-crop-yields.tif"))
  b <- crop(brick("external/base_data/crop-yields.tif"), cntr_l[[x]])
  b <- resample(b, mgrids[[x]])
  b[] <- 0
  b <- mask(b, af[af$fips_cntry == x,  ])
  writeRaster(b, filename = fname, overwrite = TRUE)
yld <- lapply(cnames, function(x) {
   brick(full_path("external/base_data/", paste0(x, "-crop-yields.tif")))

# potential yield
lapply(cnames, function(x) {
  fname <- full_path("external/base_data/", paste0(x, "-potential-yields.tif"))
  b <- crop(brick("external/base_data/potential-yields.tif"), cntr_l[[x]])
  b <- resample(b, mgrids[[x]])
  b <- mask(b, af[af$fips_cntry == x,  ])
  writeRaster(b, filename = fname, overwrite = TRUE)
potyld <- lapply(cnames, function(x) {
   brick(full_path("external/base_data/", paste0(x, "-potential-yields.tif")))

# potential production, current area
ha <- res(careas[[1]])[1]^2 / 10000
lapply(1:length(cnames), function(x) {
  fname <- full_path("external/base_data/", 
  b <- potyld[[x]] * (careas[[x]] * ha)
  writeRaster(b, filename = fname, overwrite = TRUE)
currpotprod <- lapply(cnames, function(x) {
                   paste0(x, "-potential-production-current-area.tif")))

# current production
lapply(1:length(cnames), function(x) {
  fname <- full_path("external/base_data/", 
                     paste0(cnames[x], "-current-production.tif"))
  b <- yld[[x]] * (careas[[x]] * ha)
  writeRaster(b, filename = fname, overwrite = TRUE)
currprod <- lapply(cnames, function(x) {
   brick(full_path("external/base_data/", paste0(x, "-current-production.tif")))

# unfarmed area
lapply(cnames, function(x) {
  fname <- full_path("external/base_data/", paste(x, "-unfarmed.tif", sep = ""))
  b <- crop(brick("external/base_data/unfarmed.tif"), cntr_l[[x]])
  b <- resample(b, mgrids[[x]])
  b <- mask(b, af[af$fips_cntry == x,  ])
  writeRaster(b, filename = fname, overwrite = TRUE)

# Carbon
lapply(cnames, function(x) {
  fname <- full_path("external/base_data/", paste(x, "-carbon.tif", sep = ""))
  b <- crop(brick("external/base_data/carbon.tif"), cntr_l[[x]])
  b <- resample(b, mgrids[[x]])
  b <- mask(b, af[af$fips_cntry == x,  ])
  writeRaster(b, filename = fname, overwrite = TRUE)
carbon_cnt <- lapply(cnames, function(x) {
  fname <- full_path("external/base_data/", paste(x, "-carbon.tif", sep = ""))

# Biodiversity
af_pas_r <- raster("external/base_data/af-pas-10km.tif")
af_mamdiv <- raster("external/base_data/af_mammal_div.tif")
af_nat_areas <- raster("external/base_data/af-natural-cover.tif")

lapply(1:length(cnames), function(x) {
  pas <- crop(af_pas_r, cntr_l[[x]])
  pas <- resample(pas, mgrids[[x]])
  pas <- mask(pas, af[af$fips_cntry == cnames[x],  ], 
              filename = paste0("external/base_data/", cnames[x], "-pas.tif"), 
              overwrite = TRUE)

  mam <- crop(af_mamdiv, cntr_l[[x]])
  mam <- resample(mam, mgrids[[x]])
  mam <- mask(mam, af[af$fips_cntry == cnames[x],  ], 
              filename = paste0("external/base_data/", cnames[x], 
              overwrite = TRUE)

  nat <- crop(af_nat_areas, cntr_l[[x]])
  nat <- resample(nat, mgrids[[x]])
  nat <- mask(nat, af[af$fips_cntry == cnames[x],  ], 
              filename = paste0("external/base_data/", cnames[x], 
              overwrite = TRUE)


pawt <- c(1, 0.9)   # Here is where weights applied to PAs can be changed  
lapply(cnames, function(x) {
  # x <- "ZA"
  pas <- raster(paste0("external/base_data/", x, "-pas.tif"))
  pas[pas < 1] <- 1  # some areas got messed up with rasterizing
  mam <- raster(paste0("external/base_data/", x, "-mammal-div.tif"))
  nat <- raster(paste0("external/base_data/", x, "-natural-cover.tif"))
  a <- pawt   # From before Here is where weights applied to PAs can be changed  
  b <- cellStats(pas, range)
  pawts <- coef(lm(a ~ b))
  pas_p <- pawts[1] + pas * pawts[2]  # Reweight grid
  bdmask <-  # Make a mask of PAs for the BD layer 
  bd_s <- (mam - cellStats(mam, min)) / diff(cellStats(mam, range))
  nat_s <- (nat - cellStats(nat, min)) / diff(cellStats(nat, range))
  bd_inpas <- bd_s * pas_p / pas_p  # BD in PAs
  pas_p[] <- 0  # NAs to 0
  fname <- full_path("external/base_data/",
                     paste(x, "-cons-priorities.tif", sep = ""))
  natbd <- (nat_s + bd_s) / 2.2 * bdmask + pas_p
  writeRaster(natbd, filename = fname, overwrite = TRUE)

# cost (setting up dummy here for now) - we will have to do a country-specific one here
# lapply(cnames, function(x) {
#   r <- raster(full_path(p_dat, paste(x, "-cons-priorities.tif", sep = "")))
#   fname <- full_path("external/base_data/", paste(x, "-cost.tif", sep = ""))
#   writeRaster(r >= 0, fname)
# })

# new cost variable: Tim Thomas' cost distance surface for Zambia, travel time to nearest town of 100 K
fnm <- "~/Dropbox/data/infrastructure/IFPRI/zambia_100k/zambia_100k/w001001.adf"
zam100k <- raster(fnm)
sinu <- "+proj=sinu +lon_0=20 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371007.181 +b=6371007.181 +units=m +no_defs"
projection(zam100k) <- sinu
fact <- res(mgrids[[cnames[1]]])[1] %/% res(zam100k)[1]
zam100kagg <- aggregate(zam100k, fact = fact)
zcost <- projectRaster(zam100kagg, mgrids[[cnames[1]]])
# zcostp <- 1 - (zcost - cellStats(zcost, min)) / diff(cellStats(zcost, range)) 
# inverse BD prob
mask(zcost, mgrids[[cnames[1]]],  
     filename = "external/base_data/ZA-cost.tif", overwrite = TRUE)
# plot(raster("external/base_data/ZA-cost.tif"))

Here's a plot of the biodiversity data. Might need to redo to check that low priority patch in the western end.

cons_p_cnt <- lapply(cnames, function(x) {
  raster(full_path(p_dat, paste(x, "-cons-priorities.tif", sep = "")))

Here's a plot of the cost surface, converted to 0-1.

cost_p_cnt <- lapply(cnames, function(x) {
  raster(full_path(p_dat, paste0(x, "-cost.tif")))
  1. Now that we have those datasets, let's figure out how to do the cropland share. First create some necessary inputs regarding cropland area, standardized potential yields and cropland area for the country in question
# Standardized potential yields are also the probability of conversion
potylds_cnt <- lapply(cnames, function(x) {
 fname <- full_path("external/base_data/", 
                    paste0(x, "-potential-yields.tif"))
lapply(1:length(cnames), function(x) {
 nm <- cnames[x]
 r <- potylds_cnt[[x]]
 l <- lapply(1:nlayers(r), function(y) (r[[y]] - cellStats(r[[y]], min)) /
              diff(cellStats(r[[y]], range)))
       filename = full_path("external/base_data/", 
                            paste0(nm, "-potential-yields-std.tif")),
       overwrite = TRUE)

Make a few plots of these

# First read in relevant grids
currprod_cnt <- lapply("ZA", function(x) {
  fname <- full_path(p_dat, paste(x, "-current-production.tif", sep = ""))
  b <- brick(fname)
  names(b) <- cropnames
cropareas_cnt <- lapply(cnames, function(x) {
  fname <- full_path(p_dat, paste(x, "-crop-areas.tif", sep = ""))
  b <- brick(fname)
  names(b) <- cropnames
#names(cropareas_cnt[[1]]) <- cropnames
potylds_cnt_std <- lapply(cnames, function(x) {
  fname <- full_path(p_dat, paste(x, "-potential-yields-std.tif", sep = ""))
  b <- brick(fname)
  names(b) <- cropnames
unfarmed_cnt <- lapply(cnames, function(x) {
  fname <- full_path(p_dat, paste(x, "-unfarmed.tif", sep = ""))
  r <- raster(fname)
  names(r) <- x

par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(1, 2, 1, 3), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 1))
plot(currprod_cnt[[1]][[1]], main = "maize area", axes = FALSE, box = FALSE)
plot(cropareas_cnt[[1]][[1]], main = "maize yield, current", axes = FALSE, 
     box = FALSE)
plot(potylds_cnt_std[[1]][[1]], main = "maize yield, standardized potential", 
     axes = FALSE, box = FALSE)
plot(unfarmed_cnt[[1]], main = "unfarmed land", axes = FALSE, box = FALSE)

Figure out some values based on country-level statistics also: each crop's proportion of total planted area and total production in the country. That is an entryway to figuring out some sort of share based on suitability.

# Select data from production table
crop_prod_sel <- crop_prod_tab[sapply(cropnames, function(x) {
  grep(x, crop_prod_tab$crop, = TRUE)
}), ]
crop_prod_sel$seas <- ifelse(crop_prod_sel$crop == "Wheat", 2, 1)  # 1 for summer crops, 2 for winter
crop_sel_tab <- crop_prod_sel[, c(1, 4:5, 11)]
crop_sel_tab$crop <- cropnames
  1. Create new country mask
lapply(1:length(cnames), function(x) {  # x <- 1
  msk <- calc(stack(potylds_cnt_std[[x]], carbon_cnt[[x]]), sum)
  msk <- ! * 1
  writeRaster(msk, filename = full_path(p_dat, paste0(cnames[x], "-mask.tif")), 
              overwrite = TRUE)
  file.copy(full_path(p_dat, paste0(cnames[x], "-mask.tif")),
            full_path(full_path(set_base_path(), "external/data"), 
                      paste0(cnames[x], "-mask.tif")), overwrite = TRUE)

Deprecated, because of Agro-knapsack

Next, some principles for determining pixel sharing:
1. A winter crop like wheat can go in rotation with summer crops, so it can use 100% of a pixel as can any single summer crop.

  1. Sharing pixels between crops on the same calendar.
  2. Share of crop in pixel should be determined by its potential productivity, and its planted area, given the following rules:
    • For any pixel, the crop having the highest potential (standardized) productivity will be given the maximum share of cropland.
    • The remaining crops will be allocated the remaining area in proportion to how much area they should normally occupy in that area.
    • The area each crop normally occupies is determined as the maximum of these two values: i. The share of total area each has historically occupied in the country ii. Each crop's share of currently occupied cropland
    • This allows for some spatial correlation to be factored into cropland expansion (provided it is kriged a bit), in that areas near areas that have historically been farmed for that crop are more likely to be farmed for that crop in the future given the infrastructure and/or other socio-economic factors that lead a particular crop to be planted in a particular area.
  3. Allocations can be altered as a function of demand growth. E.g. if the growth in demand for soybean is higher than the growth in demand for maize, then the area allocated to maize can be reduced by some proportion.

  4. Ultimately, an optimization function should be used to minimize the total area planted across all crops while hitting their necessary targets, after other land-use constraints are applied (e.g. carbon minimization).

  5. A scaling function will also be needed, such that as the resolution of analysis increases, the share of a crop in any given pixel should expand such that a pixel may be dominated by the few most dominant crops.

First step in this. Create a brick that has the starting cropland shares across all crops.

# Start with a few small helper functions
which_max_fun <- function(x, na.rm = na.rm) {
  if(any(! {
    o <- which(x == max(x, na.rm = na.rm))[1]
  } else {
    o <- NA
max_fun <- function(x, na.rm = na.rm) {
  if(all( {
    o <- NA
  } else {
    o <- max(x, na.rm = na.rm)

seas_max <- 0.5  # sets up the maximum share of cropland that any crop can have in a given pixel
lapply(1:length(cnames), function(x) {
  nm <- cnames[x]
  area_props <- ifelse(crop_prod_sel$seas == 1, crop_prod_sel$area_prop * 1.2, seas_max)
  area_props_sameseas <- area_props[crop_prod_sel$seas == 1]
  ta <- calc(cropareas_cnt[[x]], sum)
  prop <- cropareas_cnt[[x]] / ta  # convert planted areas to local proportion of total crop area
  prop <- stack(sapply(1:nlayers(prop), function(x) {
   r <- prop[[x]]
   r[] <- 0
   r[(r > seas_max)] <- seas_max
  }))  # st max in any area to seas_max, to prevent
  names(prop) <- crop_sel_tab$crop
  potyld_sameseas <- potylds_cnt_std[[x]]  # potential yields for crops growing in the same season
  potmax <- calc(potyld_sameseas, fun = which_max_fun, na.rm = TRUE)  # which crop highest yield pot
  potmax_bin <- stack(sapply(1:nlayers(potyld_sameseas), function(x) potmax == x))  # as binary stack
  areas <- stack(sapply(1:nlayers(prop), function(y) {
     r <- prop[[y]]
     r[!] <- crop_sel_tab$area_prop[y]
     s <- stack(r, prop[[y]])
     o <- calc(s, fun = max_fun, na.rm = TRUE)
  }))  # calculate maximum area for each crop, as function of 
  names(areas) <- crop_sel_tab$crop
  areamax <- calc(areas, fun = which_max_fun, na.rm = TRUE)  # which crop highest yield pot
  areamax_bin <- stack(sapply(1:nlayers(areas), function(x) areamax == x))

  # Assign area share
  out_areas <- stack(sapply(1:nlayers(areas), function(x) {
    both  <- ((potmax_bin[[x]] == 1) & (areamax_bin[[x]] == 1)) * seas_max  # max yield & area = seas_max
    amax <- ((potmax_bin[[x]] == 0) & (areamax_bin[[x]] == 1)) * areas[[x]]  # max area = areas
    ymax <- ((potmax_bin[[x]] == 1) & (areamax_bin[[x]] == 0)) * areas[[x]]  # max yield only = areas
    none <- ((potmax_bin[[x]] == 0) & (areamax_bin[[x]] == 0)) * area_props[x]  # max area = areas
    out <- both + amax + ymax + none
  out_areas <- out_areas * unfarmed_cnt[[x]]  # reduce fractions by amount of available unfarmed land
  #plot(calc(out_areas[[1:8]], sum))
  names(out_areas) <- names(areas)
  # Segregate out same season crops from off-season crops
  sameseas <- which(crop_prod_sel$seas == 1)  # indices
  offseas <- which(crop_prod_sel$seas == 2)  # indices
  ta <- calc(out_areas[[sameseas]], sum) # total proportion of area under same season crops
  out_areas_r <- stack(sapply(sameseas, function(x) {
    r <- out_areas[[x]]
    ro <- (r / ta)
  out_stack <- stack(out_areas_r, out_areas[[offseas]])  # combine standardized same season with off-season
  names(out_stack) <- c(names(areas[[sameseas]]), names(areas[[offseas]]))
  fname <- full_path("external/base_data/", paste(nm, "-crop-convert-fractions-base.tif", sep = ""))
  brick(out_stack, filename = fname, overwrite = TRUE)  # write out the base fractions

Deprecated, because of Agro-knapsack

That provides the default cropland shares for all crops (same season and off-season), based on the current rules, with same season crops' areas standardized to 1. The code above does the following:

The next step will be to write a function that can alter the shares of cropland in proportion to demand, but I will first develop the basic model, absent the road cost distance function (11:50; 6/1/2015).

9.Other + Set up a data/no data grid to give index of valid cells to key functions

crop_share_cnt <- lapply(cnames, function(x) {
  brick(full_path(p_dat, paste0(x, "-crop-convert-fractions-base.tif")))
lapply(1:length(cnames), function(x) {
  nm <- cnames[x]
  na1 <- calc(potylds_cnt_std[[x]], sum, na.rm = FALSE)
  na2 <- calc(carbon_cnt[[x]], sum, na.rm = FALSE)
  na3 <- calc(crop_share_cnt[[x]], sum, na.rm = FALSE)
  rast_math(! + na2 + na3 + unfarmed_cnt[[x]] + cons_p_cnt[[x]]), 
           filename = paste0("external/base_data/", nm, "-mask.tif"))
masks <- lapply(cnames, function(x) {
  brick(full_path(p_dat, paste0(x, "-mask.tif")))
lapply(1:length(cnames), function(x) {
  nm <- cnames[x]  # x <- 1
  # il <- fetch_inputs(input_key = nm, input = "R")
  path <- full_path(set_base_path(), "external/base_data/") 

  fp <- full_path(set_base_path(), 
                  c("data/cropnames.rda", "data/carbon-names.rda"))
  for (i in fp) load(i)
  lnms <- c("currprod", "pp_curr", "p_yield", "carbon", 
            "mask", "cost", "richness", "pas", "cons")
  bnms <- c("current-production", "production-current", "potential-yields\\.", 
  rnms <- c("mask", "cost", "-div", "pas", "cons-prior")
  nmupnms <- c(rep("cropnames", 3), "carbon_names")
  innms <- c(bnms, rnms)
  # in_files <- list.files(path, pattern = nm, full.names = TRUE)
  # in_files <- unlist(lapply(innms, function(x) in_files[grep(x, in_files)]))
  # disksize <- sum($size) * 0.00098^2
  # l <- lapply(in_files, function(x) brick(x))
  # names(l) <- lnms
  # l[[length(l) + 1]] <- cropnames
  # names(l) <- c(lnms, "cropnames")
  in_files <- list.files(path, pattern = nm, full.names = TRUE)
  bin_files <- unlist(lapply(bnms, function(x) in_files[grep(x, in_files)]))
  rin_files <- unlist(lapply(rnms, function(x) in_files[grep(x, in_files)]))
  lb <- lapply(1:length(bin_files), function(x) {
       nm_up(brick(bin_files[x]), get(nmupnms[x]))  # assign names
  lr <- lapply(rin_files, function(x) raster(x))
  l <- c(lb, lr)
  names(l) <- lnms 
  # dt_nms <- c("p_yield", "pp_curr", "currprod", "cropfrac", "carbon", 
              # "richness", "pas", "carbon_p", "cons_p", "cost")
  msk <- raster(full_path(p_dat, paste0(nm, "-mask.tif")))
  for(i in lnms) mask(l[[i]], msk, maskvalue = 0, 
                      filename = filename(l[[i]]), overwrite = TRUE)
  # il <- fetch_inputs(input_key = nm, input = "R")
  lb <- lapply(1:length(bin_files), function(x) {
    nm_up(brick(bin_files[x]), get(nmupnms[x]))
  lr <- lapply(rin_files, function(x) raster(x))
  l <- c(lb, lr)
  names(l) <- lnms 

  valinds <- which(values(msk) == 1)
  dtl <- lapply(l, function(x) {
    #x <- il[dt_nms][[1]]
    DT <-, xy = FALSE)[valinds, ]
    fnm <- paste0("external/data/dt/", 
                  gsub(paste0(p_dat, "|\\/|\\.tif"), "", filename(x)), ".csv")
    write.table(DT, file = fnm, sep = ",", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
  # for(i in dtl) print(which(
  base_dt <-, xy = TRUE)
  setnames(base_dt, old = names(msk), new = "val")
  base_dt[, ind := 1:nrow(base_dt)]
  base_dt <- base_dt[!val == 0][, val := NULL]
  fnm <- paste0("external/data/dt/", nm, "-mask.csv")
  write.table(base_dt, file = fnm, sep = ",", col.names = TRUE, 
              row.names = FALSE)

il <- fetch_inputs("ZA")

PrincetonUniversity/agroEcoTradeoff documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:12 p.m.