Man pages for Prof-ThiagoOliveira/lcc
Longitudinal Concordance Correlation

AIC.lccAkaike and Bayesian Information Criteria for an 'lcc' Object
anova.lccCompare Likelihoods of Fitted Models from an 'lcc' Object
bootstrapSamplesInternal functions to estimate fixed effects and variance...
CCCInternal Function to Compute the Sampled Concordance...
CCC_linInternal Function to Estimate the Sampled Concordance...
ciBuilderInternal Function to Prepare the 'ciCompute' Function.
ciComputeInternal Function to Compute the Non-Parametric Bootstrap...
coef.lccExtract Model Coefficients
dataBootstrapInternal Functions to Generate Bootstrap Samples Based on...
dataBuilderInternal Function to Prepare the Dataset for 'lcc' Objects
fittedBuilderInternal Function to Build Fitted Values for 'lcc' Objects
fitted.lccExtract Fitted Values from an 'lcc' Object
formatColumnFormat Columns for Print
getDeltaInternal Function to Extract Variance Components Estimates.
getVarCov.lccExtract Variance Components from a Fitted lcc Model
hueHue color data
initInternal Function to Prepare 'lccModel' Function
is.lccReports whether x is a lcc object
laBootstrapInternal functions to generate longitudinal accuracy samples.
laBuilderInternal Function to Estimate the Longitudinal Accuracy.
laWrapperInternal Function to Prepare the 'laBuilder' Function
lccLongitudinal Concordance Correlation (LCC) Estimated by Fixed...
lccBootstrapInternal functions to generate longitudinal concordance...
lccBuilderInternal Function to Estimate the Longitudinal Concordance...
lccInternalInternal Function to Prepare 'lcc' Objects
lcc_intervalsInternal Functions to Compute the Non-Parametric Confidence...
lccModelInternal Function to Fit a Linear Mixed-Effects Model
lccPlotPlot Fitted Curves from an 'lcc' Object
lccSummaryInternal Function to Summarize Fitted and Sampled Values for...
lccWrapperInternal Function to Prepare the 'lccBuilder' Function
logLik.lccExtract Log-Likelihood of an 'lcc' Object
lpcBootstrapInternal functions to generate longitudinal Pearson...
lpcBuilderInternal Function to Estimate the Longitudinal Pearson...
lpcWrapperInternal Function to Prepare the 'lpcBuilder' Function
PearsonEstimate Sampled Pearson Correlation
plotBuilder_laInternal Function to Produces a Longitudinal Accuracy Plot.
plotBuilder_lccGenerate a Longitudinal Concordance Correlation Plot
plotBuilder_lpcInternal Function to Produce a Longitudinal Pearson...
plotControlControl Settings for 'lcc' Plots
plot_laInternal Function to Prepare the 'plotBuilder_la' Function
plot.lccDiagnostic Plots for an 'lcc' Object
plot_lpcPrepare Plot for LPC Function
print.anova.lccPrint the Anova of an 'lcc' Object
print.lccPrint Method for 'lcc' Objects
print.summary.lccPrint Summary of an 'lcc' Object
ranef.lccExtract Random Effects from an 'lcc' Model
rename.varsInternal Function to Prepare 'lccModel' Function
residuals.lccExtract Residuals from a Fitted lcc Model
simulated_hueHue color simulated data
simulated_hue_blockHue color simulated data in a randomized block design
summary.lccSummarize an 'lcc' Object
time_lccRegular Sequence Generator for Time Variable
vcov.lccExtract Variance-Covariance Matrix of the Fixed Effects for...
Prof-ThiagoOliveira/lcc documentation built on Dec. 9, 2023, 12:10 a.m.