anova.lcc: Compare Likelihoods of Fitted Models from an 'lcc' Object

View source: R/methods.R

anova.lccR Documentation

Compare Likelihoods of Fitted Models from an lcc Object


Compares the fit of different longitudinal concordance correlation models (lcc objects). When comparing multiple models, the function returns a data frame with degrees of freedom, log-likelihood, AIC, and BIC for each model. For a single model, it returns F-values and P-values for fixed terms in the model.


## S3 method for class 'lcc'
anova(object, ..., test = TRUE, type = c("sequential", "marginal"), 
  adjustSigma = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)



An object inheriting from class lcc or lme.


Other optional fitted model objects inheriting from classes "lcc" or "lme".


Logical; if TRUE, performs likelihood ratio tests to compare models. Defaults to TRUE.


Character string specifying the type of sum of squares for F-tests. Options are "sequential" or "marginal". Defaults to "sequential".


Logical; if TRUE, adjusts the residual standard error for maximum likelihood estimation. Defaults to TRUE.


Logical; if TRUE, prints additional model details. Defaults to FALSE.


This function is an adaptation from anova.lme. It assesses whether the addition of terms significantly improves model fit.

See Also

lcc, summary.lcc


## Not run: 
fm1.aov <- lcc(data = hue, subject = "Fruit", resp = "H_mean", method = "Method", 
               time = "Time", qf = 2, qr = 1)
fm2.aov <- update(fm1.aov, qr = 2)
anova(fm1.aov, fm2.aov)

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
fm3.aov <- update(fm2.aov, REML = FALSE)
fm4.aov <- update(fm2.aov, REML = FALSE, qf = 3)
anova(fm3.aov, fm4.aov)

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
fm5.aov <- update(fm2.aov, var.class = varExp, weights.form = "time")
anova(fm1.aov, fm2.aov, fm5.aov)

## End(Not run)

Prof-ThiagoOliveira/lcc documentation built on Dec. 9, 2023, 12:10 a.m.