
# Tests of ddg functions using ddg.source command.  This is a template file
# which is copied to examples/TEST/local directory, changed in format, and then
# executed. The expected output template for each test should be found in

# In theory, the output of this script should be the exact same as the normal
# output for scripts being sourced. The only difference is that when automatically
# testing, this script should produce the manual ddg.txt as IF it had been run from the
# console.

# Author @Luis Perez


## Directories
testDir <- "[DIR_LOCAL]/"

# get initial time
startTime <- Sys.time()

# Run the script
prov.capture("[SCRIPT]", "[DIR_DDG]", annotate.inside.functions=TRUE, save=TRUE)

# Calculate total time of execution
endTime <- Sys.time()
cat("Execution Time =", difftime(endTime, startTime,units="secs"))
ProvTools/provR documentation built on May 6, 2019, 3:27 p.m.