imPlot2: Modified image.plot function from "fields" package, the grey...

imPlot2R Documentation

Modified image.plot function from "fields" package, the grey rectangle is used as background for heatmap, making NAs distinguishable from the data


#added following line of code: rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col="grey") This function is package internal and should not be executed directly by users.


imPlot2(..., add = FALSE, nlevel = 64, horizontal = FALSE,
  legend.shrink = 0.9, legend.width = 1.2,
  legend.mar = ifelse(horizontal, 3.1, 5.1), legend.lab = NULL,
  legend.line = 2, graphics.reset = FALSE, bigplot = NULL,
  smallplot = NULL, legend.only = FALSE, col = tim.colors(nlevel),
  lab.breaks = NULL, axis.args = NULL, legend.args = NULL,
  midpoint = FALSE, border = NA, lwd = 1, xinds = NULL, e = NULL,
  ylast = 0, afs = 1)


For more help see documentation of image.plot function: image.plot



Przemol/seqplots documentation built on May 14, 2022, 6:47 a.m.