plot: Generic plot function for SeqPlots package calsses

plotR Documentation

Generic plot function for SeqPlots package calsses


Generic plot function for SeqPlots package calsses


plot(x, y, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'PlotSetPair,ANY'
plot(x, what = "a", ...)

## S4 method for signature 'PlotSetList,ANY'
plot(x, what = "a", ...)

## S4 method for signature 'PlotSetArray,ANY'
plot(x, what = "a", ...)



This argument should be one of SeqPlots classes: PlotSetArray, PlotSetList or PlotSetPair


For plotting SeqPlots classes this argument is ignored, used for default functionality of plot function.


Other parameters controlong the plot, see plotAverage for avareange plot and plotHeatmap for heatmaps.


This argument takes a character determining if avareange plot ("a", default) or heatmap ("h") will be plotted.


Returns NULL for avareange plot and cluster report data.frame for hetamap - see plotHeatmap for details.

Methods (by class)

  • x = PlotSetPair,y = ANY: Method plot for signature 'PlotSetPair'

  • x = PlotSetList,y = ANY: Method plot for signature 'PlotSetList'

  • x = PlotSetArray,y = ANY: Method plot for signature 'PlotSetPair'

See Also


Other plotting functions: getPlotSetArray, plotAverage, plotHeatmap


#load precalculated PlotSetArrays "plotset1" and "plotset2", usually these 
#objects are the output of getPlotSetArray function
load(system.file("extdata", "precalc_plotset.Rdata", package="seqplots"))

#plot with default values
plot(plotset2) #Average plot
plot(plotset2[1,], what='h') #Heatmap

#setting plot options
plot(plotset2, main='Title', xlab='Relative position [bp]', ylab='Signal', 
     colvec=rainbow(6, 0.7, 0.5), labels=LETTERS, legend_ext=TRUE, 
     legend_ext_pos='topright', legend_pos='topleft', ln.h=9)
plot(plotset2[2,], what='h', main="The heatmap", labels=LETTERS,
     ord = c(3,1,2), sortrows = TRUE, clusters = 2, clstmethod = "hclust", 
     cex.main = 20, cex.lab = 12, cex.legend = 12, xlab = "Rel. pos. [bp]", 
     ylab = "Signal", autoscale = FALSE, zmin = 0, zmax = 20, 
     clspace = rev(rainbow(4, 0.7, 0.5)) )

Przemol/seqplots documentation built on May 14, 2022, 6:47 a.m.