  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",



ICH E6(R2) [@ICHE6R2] imposes on sponsors of clinical trials an obligation to use risk based monitoring (RBM) as part of their processes to ensure the quality and integrity of clinical trials data:

The sponsor should implement a system to manage quality throughout all stages of the trial process. ... The quality management system should use a risk-based approach.

Further this RBM system should use quality tolerance limits (QTLs) to provide objective measures of a tool in assessing the overall quality of individual clinical trials and of overall development programmes:

Predefined quality tolerance limits should be established, taking into consideration the medical and statistical characteristics of the variables as well as the statistical design of the trial, to identify systematic issues that can impact subject safety or reliability of trial results. Detection of deviations from the predefined quality tolerance limits should trigger an evaluation to determine if action is needed.

This vignette describes one possible implementation of QTLs. The choice of metrics on which the QTLs are based is out-of-scope for this vignette.

Installing and using the qtlr package

Use of the package is straightforward. Before using it for the first time, it must be installed. Currently, installation is from GitHub rather than CRAN:


Then, to use qtlr in an R script, it must be loaded and attached:


Internally, qtlr uses JAGS [@JAGS] to fit models and the runjags package [@RUNJAGS] to provide the interface between R and JAGS. Therefore, you must ensure that JAGS is available on your system before using qtlr. Installing qtlr will also install runjags and other required packages if necessary.

First example

As an introductory example, and to provide initial validation of the implementation, we reproduce the meta-analysis of clinical trial results presented in Example 2.7 of Berry et al [@BERRY2010]. Rather than being response rates reported in a number of clinical trials, we interpret their data as providing the number of participants at each site in a single multicentre study, together with the number of participants who met some arbitrary metric (for example, reporting at least one cardiac adverse event of CTCAE grade 2 or higher, having at least one out-of-window study visit or being the subject of at least one data clarification caused by apparently missing CRF items).

The raw data

The raw data in Berry et al's example is provided by the utility function createBerryData:

b <- createBerryData()
b %>% kable(digits=c(0,0,0,3))

Estimating the QTLs

The default qtlr model for binomial data, which is a simple hierarchical Bayesian model and which corresponds to the model used by Berry et al, can be fitted simply by calling the fitBinomialQtlModel function and specifying Subjects and Events as the number of observations and number of events, respectively.

m <- fitBinomialModel(b$Subjects, b$Events)

By default, fitBinomialQtlModel returns a tibble containing the concatenated posterior samples obtained from JAGS in tidy form.


Parameter indicates the parameter being sampled. In this case a and b are the hyperparameters used to define the prior distributions of the ps and p is the sampled probability that a participant at the centre given by the value of Index reports an event. Note that Index refers to the row of the input vectors n and r, not to any id variable that may exist in the input dataset. The input vectors n and r are augmented with a pseudo observation which allows prediction of the probability that a participant at an arbitrary centre will report an event. The MCMC samples can easily be summarised to obtain the fitted event probabilities.

results <-  m %>% 
              filter(Parameter == "p") %>% 
              group_by(Parameter, Index) %>% 
              summarise(Fitted=mean(Value)) %>% 
results %>% 
   kable(digits=c(NA, 0, 2))

The results of this analysis can be combined with the original input data to reproduce the information in table 2.2 on page 63 of Berry et al.

berry <- results %>% 
           mutate(Study=1:10) %>% 
           left_join(b, by="Study") %>% 
           select(Index, Subjects, Events, ObservedResponse, Fitted, -Parameter, -Study)
berry %>% kable(col.names=c("Centre", "Subjects", "Events", "Observed", "Fitted"),
                digits=c(0, 0, 0, 2, 2))

Presenting the results to end-users

The qtlFromQuantile function allows the simple conversion of QTLs based on the quantiles of the fitted model to those based on quantiles of the underlying metric. For example, the following snippet determines the event rates correspnding to the 10th, 20th, 80th and 90th quantiles of the fitted model.

postEx1 <- m %>% filter(Index == 10)
limits <- qtlFromQuantile(postEx1, c(0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.9))
limits %>%  kable(digits=3)

Taking the 10th and 90th quantiles to define (lower and upper) investigation limits and the 20th and 80th quantiles to define (lower and upper) warning limits, we can categorise each site in the study...

berry <- berry %>% 
           filter(Index != 10) %>% #Categorisation of the pseudo-centre is not appropriate
                           breaks=c(-Inf, limits$Quantile, Inf), 
                           labels=c("Investigation low", "Warn low", "OK", "Warn high", "Investigation high")))
berry %>% 
  kable(col.names=c("Centre", "Subjects", "Events", "Observed", "Fitted", "QTL band"),
        digits=c(0, 0, 0, 2, 2))

... or present only those sites which fall outside a QTL:

berry %>% 
  filter(Band != "OK") %>% 
  kable(col.names=c("Centre", "Subjects", "Events", "Observed", "Fitted", "QTL band"),
        digits=c(0, 0, 0, 2, 2))

As we have discussed elsewhere [@Kirkpatrick2020], the fact that a site falls into an investigation band does not mean that the site is "at fault". It merely suggests that the site may, in some way, be different to the other sites. Thus, whilst investigation is appropriate, there should be no pre-judgment about the results of the investigation. The investigation may reveal no discernable difference in study conduct between this site and others in the study. In this case, the conclusion of the investigation may be that no action is required. If a difference in study conduct is observed, then the appropriate action would depend both on the reason for the difference and the metric being considered.

The action may involve changes at the site in question or at other sites. For example, suppose the metric being considered in the incidence of injection site reactions (ISRs) and that one particular site falls into the "investigation low" category. In other words, taking account of the inherent variability in ISR rates between sites, the rate observed at this site is sufficiently low to suggest that it is different to that observed at other sites. Consider two scenarios. In the first, suppose the site staff consider that, in this indication and using this mode of therapy, ISRs are simply "par for the course" and therefore not worth reporting. Here, the appropriate remedial action might be to retrain the site staff to make them more aware of the necessity of comprehensive and unbiased reporting of all safety data related to the study treatments.

Alternatively, suppose that the site's chief investigator acknowledges the importance of ISRs because of their potential impact, not only on safety, but also on the comfort and convenience of the participants in the study. The CI reports that it is standard practice at his site to prophylactically apply "magic cream" to the site of any planned infusion about 15 minutes before the the start of treatment. The site has found this to be beneficial in the past and, since it is not explicitly contra-indicated by the study protocol, the site staff saw no reason to deviate from their usual standard of care. In this case, the appropriate action might be to suggest prophylaxis with "magic cream" at all other sites involved in the study.

Graphical presentations

Graphical prsentations have obvious advantages compared to tabulations. We adapt figure 2.9 on page 62 of Berry et al [@BERRY2010]. The createQtlPlot function can be called to plot the posterior distribution of the probability of event overlaid with the observed site-specific rates and QTL bands. The default plot is deliberately crude, but is easily customised, as demonstrated below.

              groupData=berry %>% filter(Index < 10),

The vertical bars in the plot show the observed group-specific event rates and the size of each group: the rate is indicated by their positions on the x-axis and their heights are proportional to the number of observations in the group. The curve shows the posterior distribution of the probability of an event for participants in an arbitrary new group. The shading shows the locations of the QTL bands, which by default are defined by the 10th, 20th, 80th and 90th centiles of the posterior.

The value returned by createQtlPlot is a ggplot2 object so it is easy to customise and chain. For example, the next code snippet changes the label and shading of the QTL bands.

qtlColours <- c("red", "yellow", "white", "yellow", "red")
qtlLabels <-c("Investigate low", "Warn low", "", "Warn high", "Investigate high")
qtlScale <- scale_fill_manual(name="QTL", labels=qtlLabels, values=qtlColours)
              mcmcData=postEx1) +

Other aspects of the plot's appearance can be customised using standard theme elements or the labs function:

              mcmcData=postEx1) +
  qtlScale +
  labs(x="Observed response",
       title="Example QTL plot",
       subtitle="(Based on data from Berry et al)")

The number QTL bands and their boundaries can be modified or suppressed by using the qtls argument.

              qtls=c(0.05, 0.15))

The groups can be categorised by using the groupType argument

b1 <- b %>% mutate(Region=as.factor(c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3)))
regionScale <- scale_colour_manual(name="Region",  
                                   labels=c("US", "EMEA", "Other"))
              groupType=Region) + 
  qtlScale +

By default, the posterior density is scaled so that its height at the mode is twice that of the tallest group size bar. To change this behaviour, use the postScaleFactor argument. The posterior density is based on the scaled kernel density estimate produced by ggplot2::geom_density, which has a height of 1 at the mode. To set the modal height of the density to an absolute value, use postScaleFactor=<constant>. To set the modal height of the density to a multiple of the largest group size, use postScaleFactor=<constant>*max(groupData$groupSize). For example, to rescale the previous plot:

              postScaleFactor=0.75*max(b1$Subjects)) + 
  qtlScale +

Other data types

The discussion so far has related only to binomial data. qtlr also supports

One generic function facilitates the presentation of QTLs for the different date types: fitModel(type) is a wrapper function that calls the appropriate fitXXXXModel function and passes the necessary parameters to the type specific funtion using .... createQtlPlot and createQtlBubblePlot are inherently generic. Naturally, the type-specific model-fitting functions can be called directly.

Binary data

The following snippet reproduces the analysis of the Berry data, but uses subject- rather than study-level input data.

berrySubjects <- createBerryData(TRUE)
mBinary <- fitBinaryModel(berrySubjects$Event, berrySubjects$Study)
results <-  mBinary %>% 
              filter(Parameter == "p") %>% 
              group_by(Parameter, Index) %>% 
              summarise(Fitted=mean(Value)) %>% 
results %>% 
   kable(digits=c(NA, 0, 2))

Poisson data: rates or event counts

As an illustration of the QTL methodology applied to event counts, we analyse the number of soldiers in 14 Prussian cavalry Corps kicked to death by horses each year from 1875 to 1894 [@BORTKIEWICZ]. This dataset is included in the qltr package in the cavalryDeaths tibble. We calculate the total number of deaths during the period for each Corps together with the number of years over which the data were collected before calling fitPoissonModel.

When analysing event counts, qtlr fits a model to the total number of events observed in each group but predicts the expected number of events per unit time. Therefore, it is appropriate to use the DeathsPerYear column when creating the QTL plot.

cavalrySummary <- cavalryDeaths %>% 
                    group_by(Corps) %>% 
                              Duration=n()) %>% 
                    mutate(DeathsPerYear=Deaths/Duration) %>% 
cavalrySummary %>% kable()

postCavalry <- fitPoissonModel(cavalrySummary$Deaths, cavalrySummary$Duration)
results <-  postCavalry %>% 
              filter(Parameter == "mu") %>% 
              group_by(Parameter, Index) %>% 
              summarise(Fitted=mean(Value)) %>% 
limits <- qtlFromQuantile(postCavalry %>% filter(Index == 15), c(0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.9))

cavalrySummary <- cavalrySummary %>% 
                    add_column(Index=1:14) %>% 
                    left_join(results, by="Index") %>% 
                    select(Corps, Deaths, Duration, DeathsPerYear, Fitted) %>% 
                                    breaks=c(-Inf, limits$Quantile, Inf), 
                                    labels=c("Investigation low", "Warn low", 
                                             "OK", "Warn high", 
                                             "Investigation high")))

cavalrySummary %>% kable(col.names=c("Corps", "Deaths", "Duration", "Deaths per year", "Fitted", "Band"),
                         digits=c(NA, 0, 0, 2, 2, NA))

limits %>%  kable(digits=3, caption="QTL limits for the cavalry data")

createQtlPlot(mcmcData=postCavalry %>% filter(Index == 15, Value < 3), 
              groupResponse=DeathsPerYear) +
  qtlScale +
  labs(x="Deaths per year",
       title="QTLs for Prusssian cavalry deaths")

Time-to-event data

We use the VA Lung dataset [@VALUNG] to illustrate the methodology, using CellType as the grouping variable. Note that in this example the plot excludes approximately 10% of the MCMC samples to remove some outliers and improve the appearance of the graphic.

vaLungSummary <- vaLung %>%
                   group_by(CellType) %>% 

results <- fitTteModel(time=vaLung$SurvivalTime,

quantile(results$Value, probs=c(0.90, 0.95, 0.975, 0.99))

createQtlPlot(mcmcData=results %>% filter(Index == 5, Value < 400),

Continuous data

The operation of the model on Normal data is illustrated using an artificial dataset.

#Generate data
nCentres <- 6
minSize <- 8
maxSize <- 25
centreSizes <- ceiling(runif(nCentres, min=minSize, max=maxSize))

group <- rep(1:nCentres, times=centreSizes)
centreMeans <- rnorm(nCentres, mean=5, sd=1.5)

data <- tibble(SubjectID=1:length(group), 
               Mean=rep(centreMeans, times=centreSizes),
               Y=rnorm(length(group), Mean, 3))

groupSummary <- data %>% 
                  group_by(Group) %>% 

results <- fitNormalModel(x=data$Y, g=data$Group)
summary <- results %>% 
             filter(Index > 0) %>% 
             rename(Group=Index) %>% 
             group_by(Group) %>% 
             summarise(FittedMean=mean(Value)) %>% 

groupSummary %>%
  full_join(summary, by="Group") %>% 
        col.names=c("Group", "Subjects", "True","Observed","Fitted"),
        caption="Group 7 is the pseudo-group representing future data") %>% 
  add_header_above(c(" "=2, "Mean"=3))

createQtlPlot(mcmcData=results %>% filter(Index==7),

The fitted means display the expected shrinkage towards the overall mean.

Digging deeper

Default model specifications

The default qtlr models can be obtained from the utility function getModelString. For example:

s <- getModelString("binomial")
s %>% str_split("\\n")

Binomial data

The JAGS model string shown above defines a standard hierarchical Bayes model for observation count n and event count r. The probability of an event is given by p and the prior for b is a beta distribution with hyperparameters a and b. The prior distribution of both a and b is a uniform distribution over the range 0 to 10.

Binary data

As a convenience, binomial data can be presented at the participant level - in other words as binary data. The default model string for binary data differs only slightly from that for binomial data.

s <- getModelString("binary")
s %>% str_split("\\n")

fitBinaryModel constructs its own group index based on the value of the g argument, by converting this vector to a factor and then creating an appropriate index. There is no need to ensure that the user-supplied group id vector contains only integers in the range 1 to ngroups. The hyperpriors for binary data are identical to the hyperpriors for binomial data.

Poisson data: rates or event counts

The qtlr model for rate or event count data assumes that the mean numbers of events per unit time across centres are drawn from a common distribution. This rate per unit time is then scaled by the exposure reported at each centre. The definition of exposure is arbitrary.

s <- getModelString("poisson")
s %>% str_split("\\n")

The priors for the λ~i~, the mean rates per unit time in each group, are Gamma(α, β). The hyperparameters α and β are both assumed to have a Gamma(1, 1) prior.

Time-to-event data

Analysis of time-to-event data is slightly different to the analysis of other data types in qtlr. In order to obtain group level estimates from subject level input data, fitTteModel first calculates group-level mean times to event as

$\frac{\Sigma t _i}{n _i}$

where the t~i~ are the times to event (whether censored or not) in the i^th^ group and the n~i~ are the number of events in the i^th^ group. The log mean survival times are then modelled using independent N(0, 10^6^) priors results are backtransformed to the natural scale before being returned from fitTteModel(). This is equivalent to a Bayesian Cox proportional hazards model with group as the only predictor. [Check this assertion.]

The log mean survival times are assumed to be Normally distributed. The prior means are drawn from a Normal distribution with mean zero and precision 1x10^-6^. The common prior precision of the group means is taken from an inverse Gamma distribution with shape and scale both equal to 1x10^-6^.

s <- getModelString("tte")
s %>% str_split("\\n")

By their very nature, time-to-event analyses may require both longer chains and larger observed datasets than other data types before stable results can be obtained.

Continuous data

The continuous data model analyses results at the subject level. Subjects are allocated to groups. The i^th^ group is assumed to be drawn from a N(μ~i~, σ^2^) distribution. The prior for the {μ~i~} is N(0, 10^6^) and the prior for the common variance σ^2^ is inverse Gamma(10^6^, 10^6^).

s <- getModelString("normal")
s %>% str_split("\\n")

Using custom models

A custom model can be fitted by providing a non-NULL value for the modelString parameter in the call to fitXXXXModel. For example, the following code snippet changes the hyperpriors for a and b in the binomial QTL model to the exponential distribution with mean 1 and left-truncates them at 1:

s <- getModelString("binomial")
customModel <- s %>% stringr::str_replace_all("dunif\\(0, 10\\)", "dexp\\(1\\) T\\(1,\\)")
customModel %>% stringr::str_split("\\n")
m2 <- fitBinomialModel(b$Subjects, b$Events, modelString=customModel)

Of course, a custom model string could be built from scratch if so desired.

Model checking

The tibble returned by default from fitXXXXModel is a convenient basis for the presentation results from a QTL analysis. It is less convenient when checking the technical adequacy of the model itself. In this case, the raw value returned from run.jags() would be more hepful so that it could, for example, be used directly with coda functions. This can be achieved by setting the raw parameter to TRUE:

fitBinomialModel(b$Subjects, b$Events, raw=TRUE)

Modifying the MCMC analysis

By default, the MCMC analysis used to fit the QTL models uses two chains, each of length 10000 with a burn-in of 4000, an adaptation period of 1000 and no thinning. These are the runjags defaults. The fitXXXXModel functions use ... to pass parameters to run.jags. This provides an easy mechanism for adapting the underlying MCMC analysis.

m <- fitBinomialModel(b$Subjects, b$Events,

Note, however, that the inits argument to the fitXXXXModel functions should be used to modify both the number of chains used and the initial values of the starting parameters.

inits1 <- list(a=4, b=2)
inits2 <- list(a=1, b=1)
inits3 <- list(a=2, b=10)
m <- fitBinomialModel(b$Subjects, b$Events,
                      inits=list(inits1, inits2, inits3))


PuzzledFace/qtlr documentation built on March 19, 2020, 1:17 a.m.