Man pages for QSG-Group/WISH

epistatic.correlationCalculate the epistatic interaction effect between SNP pairs...
generate.genotypeImport genotype data in the correct format for network...
generate.modulesFunction for creation of genomic interaction modules based on...
genome.interactionVisualization of pairwise chromosome epistatic interactions...
LD_blocksFunction for creating blocks of input genotypes based on LD...
pairwise.chr.mapVisualization of chromosomal pairwise region epistatic...
partial_correlations_triangular***Internal Use Function*** This function calculates the...
pseudo_manhattanFunction to plot summary pseudo-manhattan plots of variants.
triangular_split***Internal Use Function*** This function calculates the row...
QSG-Group/WISH documentation built on July 20, 2020, 2:11 p.m.