  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"



This package is a wrapper on saturn traffic modelling software to improve saturn and R workflow. It's functions use SATURN built in XEXES as a backend and allow R users to interact with the most common SATURN files such as UFM matrices and UFS files

Currently you can:


# You can install the the development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")

Intro to Matrix manipulation

Matrix manipulation using the built in tools in Saturn can be cumbersome whith this package you can load the data into R modify it and save it again.

The Package comes with some example files for you to test you can see them with


To modify the example Epsom98 matrix first we need to set up out XEXES folder as our back end.

# Using a particular version of the backend
set_xexes("C:/Program Files (x86)/Atkins/SATURN/XEXES 11.4.07H MC X7/")

The we can read the matrix. It only has one user class, 12 zones and 144 rows

epsom_mat <- saturnR_example("Epsom98mat.UFM")

mat <- read_ufm(epsom_mat)


If we wanted to anlayse the trips between zone 3 and 4 we could use:

selected_trips <- (mat$origin == 3 & mat$destination == 4) | # from 3 to 4
  (mat$origin == 4 & mat$destination == 3) # or from 4 to 3

mat[selected_trips, ]

Then we can increase them by a fixed ammount.

fixed_increase <- 200 # A new development adds 200 trips

mat$trips[selected_trips] <- mat$trips[selected_trips] + fixed_increase

mat[selected_trips, ]

Finally we could save the matrix

write_ufm(mat, "Epsom_new_dev.UFM")

R-AECOM/SaturnR documentation built on Nov. 26, 2022, 2:46 p.m.