
#' Chart of Capture Ratios against a benchmark
#' Scatter plot of Up Capture versus Down Capture against a benchmark
#' Scatter plot shows the coordinates of each set of returns' Up and Down
#' Capture against a benchmark.  The benchmark value is by definition plotted
#' at (1,1) with solid crosshairs.  A diagonal dashed line with slope equal to
#' 1 divides the plot into two regions: above that line the UpCapture exceeds
#' the DownCapture, and vice versa.
#' @param Ra Returns to test, e.g., the asset to be examined
#' @param Rb Returns of a benchmark to compare the asset with
#' @param main Set the chart title, same as in \code{plot}
#' @param add.names Plots the row name with the data point.  Default TRUE. Can
#' be removed by setting it to NULL
#' @param xlab Set the x-axis label, as in \code{\link{plot}}
#' @param ylab Set the y-axis label, as in \code{\link{plot}}
#' @param colorset Color palette to use, set by default to "black"
#' @param symbolset From \code{pch} in \code{\link{plot}}. Submit a set of
#' symbols to be used in the same order as the data sets submitted
#' @param legend.loc Places a legend into one of nine locations on the chart:
#' bottomright, bottom, bottomleft, left, topleft, top, topright, right, or
#' center.
#' @param xlim set the x-axis limit, same as in \code{\link{plot}}
#' @param ylim set the y-axis limit, same as in \code{\link{plot}}
#' @param cex.axis The magnification to be used for axis annotation relative to
#' the current setting of 'cex', same as in \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @param cex.legend The magnification to be used for sizing the legend
#' relative to the current setting of 'cex'.
#' @param cex.main The magnification to be used for sizing the title relative
#' to the current setting of 'cex'.
#' @param cex.lab The magnification to be used for x and y labels relative to
#' the current setting of 'cex'.
#' @param element.color Specify the color of the box, axes, and other chart
#' elements.  Default is "darkgray"
#' @param benchmark.color Specify the color of the benchmark reference and
#' crosshairs.  Default is "darkgray"
#' @param \dots Any other passthru parameters to \code{plot}
#' @author Peter Carl
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot}}, \cr \code{\link{par}}, \cr
#' \code{\link{UpDownRatios}}, \cr \code{\link{table.UpDownRatios}} \cr
#' @keywords ts multivariate distribution models hplot
#' @examples
#'     data(managers)
#'     chart.CaptureRatios(managers[,1:6], managers[,7,drop=FALSE])
#' @export 
chart.CaptureRatios <-
function (Ra, Rb, main = "Capture Ratio", add.names = TRUE, xlab = "Downside Capture", ylab = "Upside Capture", colorset = 1, symbolset = 1, legend.loc = NULL, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, cex.legend = 1, cex.axis=0.8, cex.main = 1, cex.lab = 1, element.color="darkgray", benchmark.color = "darkgray",...)
{ # @author Peter Carl


    # A wrapper to create a scatter chart of upside capture versus 
    # downside capture for comparing manager peRformance.

    # Inputs:
    # R = usually a set of monthly return.
    # add.names = plots the row name with the data point.  Can be removed with
    #   by setting it to NULL.

    ratios = table.CaptureRatios(Ra, Rb) # Could use other methods?
    upside = ratios[,1]
    downside = ratios[,2]

    columns = ncol(ratios)
    rows = nrow(ratios)
    columnnames = colnames(ratios)
    rownames = rownames(ratios)
    benchmarkname= colnames(Rb[,1,drop=FALSE])

    if(length(colorset) < rows)
        colorset = rep(colorset, length.out = rows)

    if(length(symbolset) < rows)
        symbolset = rep(symbolset, length.out = rows)

    # Set the charts to show the origin
        xlim = c(min(0.75, downside - 0.2), max(1.25, downside + 0.2)) 
        ylim = c(min(0.75, upside - 0.2), max(1.25, upside + 0.2))

    # Draw the principal scatterplot
    plot(upside ~ downside,
        xlab='', ylab='',
        las = 1, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, col = colorset, pch = symbolset, axes= FALSE, ...)
    # Draw crosshairs and dot for benchmark and label it
    abline(v = 1, col = benchmark.color, lty=1)
    abline(h = 1, col = benchmark.color, lty=1)
    abline(0,1, col = element.color, lty=2)
    points(1,1, pch=16, col = benchmark.color)

    axis(1, cex.axis = cex.axis, col = element.color)
    axis(2, cex.axis = cex.axis, col = element.color)
    title(ylab = ylab, cex.lab = cex.lab)
    title(xlab = xlab, cex.lab = cex.lab)

    # Label the data points
        text(x = downside, y = upside, labels = rownames, pos=4, cex = 0.8, col = colorset) # adj = -0.1
        text(x = 1, y = 1, labels = benchmarkname, adj=c(-.1,-.5), cex = 0.8, col = benchmark.color) # adj = -0.1

    # Add a rug so that data points are easier to identify
    rug(side=1, downside, col = element.color)
    rug(side=2, upside, col = element.color)

    title(main = main, cex.main = cex.main)

        legend(legend.loc, inset = 0.02, text.col = colorset, col = colorset, cex = cex.legend, border.col = element.color, pch = symbolset, bg = "white", legend = rownames)

    box(col = element.color)


# R (http://r-project.org/) Econometrics for Performance and Risk Analysis
# Copyright (c) 2004-2014 Peter Carl and Brian G. Peterson
# This R package is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id$
R-Finance/PerformanceAnalytics documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:54 a.m.