
Defines functions install_DevelopmentVersion

Documented in install_DevelopmentVersion

#' @title Attempts to install the development version of the 'Luminescence' package
#' @description This function is a convenient method for installing the development
#' version of the R package 'Luminescence' directly from GitHub.
#' @details
#' This function uses [Luminescence::github_branches][Luminescence::GitHub-API] to check
#' which development branches of the R package 'Luminescence' are currently
#' available on GitHub. The user is then prompted to choose one of the branches
#' to be installed. It further checks whether the R package 'devtools' is
#' currently installed and available on the system. Finally, it prints R code
#' to the console that the user can copy and paste to the R console in order
#' to install the desired development version of the package.
#' If `force_install = TRUE` the functions checks if 'devtools' is available
#' and then attempts to install the chosen development branch via
#' [devtools::install_github].
#' @param force_install [logical] (*optional*):
#' If `FALSE` (the default) the function produces and prints the required
#' code to the console for the user to run manually afterwards. When `TRUE`
#' and all requirements are fulfilled (see details) this function attempts to install
#' the package itself.
#' @return
#' This function requires user input at the command prompt to choose the
#' desired development branch to be installed. The required R code to install
#' the package is then printed to the console.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' install_DevelopmentVersion()
#' }
#' @md
#' @export
install_DevelopmentVersion <- function(force_install = FALSE) {
  # nocov start

  # check which branches are currently available
  # see ?github_branches for GitHub API implementation
  branches <- github_branches()

  index <-  NULL

  # let user pick which branch he wants to install
  while(is.null(index)) {
    message(paste0("Which development branch do you want to install? \n",
                   paste0(" [", 1:length(branches$BRANCH), "]: ", branches$BRANCH, collapse = "\n")))
    message("\n [0]: <Exit>")

    index <- readline()

    if (index == 0)
    if (!index %in% seq_len(length(branches$BRANCH)))
      index <- NULL


  # select the correct branch
  branch <- branches$BRANCH[as.numeric(index)]

  if (!force_install) {

            "Are all prerequisites installed? Make sure to have read\n",

    message("Please copy and run the following code in your R command-line:\n")
    if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE))
      message("install.packages('devtools')") # nocov

    message(branches$INSTALL[as.numeric(index)], "\n")

  } else {

    reply <- NULL
    while(is.null(reply)) {
      message("Are all prerequisites installed?",
              " (https://github.com/R-Lum/Luminescence/blob/master/README.md)\n",
              " [n/N]: No\n",
              " [y/Y]: Yes\n")
      reply <- readline()

      if (reply == "n" || reply == "N")
      if (reply != "y" && reply != "Y")
        reply <- NULL

    # check if 'devtools' is available and install if not
    if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) {
      message("Please install the 'devtools' package first by running the following command:\n",

    # detach the 'Luminescence' package
    try(detach(name = "package:Luminescence", unload = TRUE, force = TRUE),
        silent = TRUE)

    # try to unload the dynamic library
    dynLibs <- sapply(.dynLibs(), function(x) x[["path"]] )
    try(dyn.unload(dynLibs[grep("Luminescence", dynLibs)]), silent = TRUE)

    # install the development version
    devtools::install_github(paste0("r-lum/luminescence@", branch))
  # nocov end
R-Lum/Luminescence documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 8 a.m.