
Defines functions base.blacs base.minctxt base.valid_context

Documented in base.blacs base.minctxt base.valid_context

#' BLACS Context Validation
#' Checks if a supplied \code{ICTXT} is valid.
#' @param ICTXT
#' BLACS context number.
#' @param ...
#' Not used.
#' @param override
#' If \code{override=FALSE}, the context number will produce an
#' error if it is any of the reserved contexts (0, 1, or 2).
#' @export
base.valid_context <- function(ICTXT, ..., override=FALSE)
  if (!override)
    if (ICTXT==0 || ICTXT==1 || ICTXT==2) 
      pbdMPI::comm.stop(paste("Context", ICTXT, "is protected"))
  else if (ICTXT < 0) 
    pbdMPI::comm.stop("Negative BLACS context is not allowed")
  else if (as.integer(ICTXT)!=ICTXT) 
    pbdMPI::comm.stop("Non-integer BLACS contexts are not permitted")
  else if (!exists(paste0(".__blacs_gridinfo_", ICTXT), envir=.pbdBASEEnv)){
    pbdMPI::comm.warning(paste("Context", ICTXT, "does not exist"))
    return( invisible(1) )

valid_context <- base.valid_context

#' Get BLACS Context Grid Information
#' Finds the smallest integers for creating a new BLACS context.
#' For advanced users only. See pbdDMAT for high-level functions.
#' Returns the smallest integer which could become a new BLACS context value.
#' For example, if contexts 0, 1, and 2 are taken, and \code{after=0}, then the
#' function returns 3. If 0, 1, 2, and 5 are taken, the function returns 3 if
#' \code{after=0}, but returns 6 if \code{after=4}.
#' The function is useful when a transitory grid is needed, such as for reading
#' in data onto a subset of processors before distributing out to the full
#' grid.
#' @param after 
#' ignores all values below this integer as possibilities
#' @return 
#' Returns the minimum value.
#' @keywords BLACS
#' @export
base.minctxt <- function(after=0)
  if (after < -1)
    pbdMPI::comm.stop("Error : contexts must be non-negative")
  after <- after+1
    nm <- paste(".__blacs_gridinfo_", after, sep="")
    if (!exists(nm, envir = .pbdBASEEnv))
    after <- after+1

minctxt <- base.minctxt

#' Get BLACS Context Grid Information
#' Grabs the existing BLACS context grid information.
#' BLACS contexts have important internal use, and advanced users familiar with
#' ScaLAPACK might find some advantage in directly manipulating these process
#' grids. Most users should not need to directly manage BLACS contexts, in this
#' function or elsewhere.
#' The function effectively serves as a shorthand for
#' \code{eval(parse(text=paste(".__blacs_gridinfo_", ICTXT, sep="")))}
#' @param ICTXT 
#' BLACS context number.
#' @return 
#' Returns a list with 5 elements: \code{NPROW} and \code{NPCOL}, the
#' number of process rows and columns respectively; \code{ICTXT}, the
#' associated BLACS context number; \code{MYROW} and \code{MYCOL}, the current
#' process' row and column position in the process grid.
#' @keywords BLACS
#' @examples
#' spmd.code <- "
#'   suppressMessages(library(pbdMPI))
#'   suppressMessages(library(pbdBASE))
#'   init.grid()
#'   mygrid <- blacs(0)
#'   comm.print(mygrid, all.rank = TRUE)
#'   finalize()
#' "
#' pbdMPI::execmpi(spmd.code = spmd.code, nranks = 2L)
#' @name gridinfo
#' @rdname gridinfo
#' @export
base.blacs <- function(ICTXT=0)
  ICTXT <- as.integer(ICTXT)
  grid <- paste(".__blacs_gridinfo_", ICTXT, sep="")
  if (!exists(grid, envir=.pbdBASEEnv))
    pbdMPI::comm.stop(paste("Processor grid ICTXT=", ICTXT, " does not exist.  Make sure you called init.grid()", sep=""))
  gridinfo <- get(grid, envir=.pbdBASEEnv)

#' @rdname gridinfo
#' @export
blacs <- base.blacs
RBigData/pbdBASE documentation built on Oct. 29, 2021, 6:19 p.m.