filename <- system.file("extdata", "earthquakes.tsv.gz", package = "ProjectRGCapstone")
earthquakes <- eq_clean_data(readr::read_delim(filename, delim = "\t"))
test_that("eq_map creates a leaflet HTML widget", {
map <- eq_map(earthquakes, annot_col = "DATE")
expect_equal(class(map), c("leaflet", "htmlwidget"))
test_that("eq_create_label returns a proper HTML label", {
df <- data.frame(LOCATION_NAME = "Des Moines", EQ_PRIMARY = 3.0, TOTAL_DEATHS = 0)
label <- eq_create_label(df)
expect_equal(label, "<b>Location:</b> Des Moines<br/><b>Magnitude:</b> 3<br/><b>Total deaths:</b> 0")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.