Man pages for RGLab/flowIncubator
Routines that don't belong to the core flow packages yet.

extract_citrus_clustersThis function extracts clusted flow cytometric expression...
flowIncubatorRoutines that don't belong to the core flow packages yet
getDataReturn the flowSet associated with a GatingSet by boolean...
get_groupsStep 1: determine which group to parse for each xml workspace
getIndicesroutine to return the indices by specify boolean combination...
grep.FCSa uility function to match fcs files based on the channels...
ksstatkstest An Rcpp implementation returning the ks statistic...
merge_gsthis is the wrapper for labkey where only one gslist to be...
nearestSamplesimpute the gate (flagged as failure by external algorithm)...
parse_xmlsStep 2: parse the entire batches
plotGate_labkeyplot by prarent index
plotGateMget parent data get overlay data
regateNearestSamplesperform the actual regating of identified bad samples with...
runTSNErun tSNE from (R pkg 'Rtsne') on a gatingSet Will sample the...
save_gslist_labkeya wrapper for 'save_gslist'
swapChannelMarkerA wrapper that swaps the channel names with marker names
swapChannelMarker_flowframePreprocesses a Cytotrol flowFrame object
RGLab/flowIncubator documentation built on Sept. 5, 2020, 11:10 p.m.