knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" )
is part of the RIVM-ToolBox project aimed at providing standard set of tools that interact with open tools for a wide array of data analytics, including microbiomics. The RIVM-ToolBox is a set of individual R tools focused towards different goals/functionalities.
: Data handling
Outputs for standard data generating pipelines/workflows.
: Data analytics
Common data analytics including basic statistics.
: Data visualization
Data visualization of different data types.
Visualize one categorical column and one numeric column in sample_data
library(biomeUtils) library(biomeViz) library(dplyr) library(microbiome) library(ggplot2) library(gghalves) library(patchwork) ps <- FuentesIliGutData # calculate Shannon diversity using microbiome::diversity and add it to # the sample_data in phyloseq using biomeUtils::mutateSampleData() ps <- mutateSampleData(ps, Shannon = microbiome::diversity(ps, "shannon")[,1]) plotByGroup(ps, x.factor="ILI", y.numeric = "Shannon") + gghalves::geom_half_point( ggplot2::aes_string(fill="ILI"), side = "l", range_scale = .4, alpha = 0.25, shape = 21) + scale_fill_manual(values = c("#3d6721", "#a86826", "#006c89"), guide = "none")
library(biomeUtils) library(biomeViz) library(dplyr) library(microbiome) library(ggplot2) plotScatterViz(ps, x_numeric = "Shannon", y_numeric = "BMI", color_var = "ILI") + scale_fill_manual(values=c("steelblue", "brown3", "grey70"))+ scale_fill_manual(values=c("steelblue", "brown3", "grey70"))
p.base <- plotByGroup(ps, x.factor="ILI", y.numeric = "Shannon") + gghalves::geom_half_point( ggplot2::aes_string(fill="ILI"), side = "l", range_scale = .4, alpha = 0.25, shape = 21) + labs(subtitle = "base plot") + theme_bw() + scale_fill_biomeViz(palette = "viz3") <- plotByGroup(ps, x.factor="ILI", y.numeric = "Shannon") + gghalves::geom_half_point( ggplot2::aes_string(fill="ILI"), side = "l", range_scale = .4, alpha = 0.25, shape = 21) + scale_fill_biomeViz(palette = "viz3") + labs(subtitle = "biomeViz bw") + theme_biomViz_bw() p.min <- plotByGroup(ps, x.factor="ILI", y.numeric = "Shannon") + gghalves::geom_half_point( ggplot2::aes_string(fill="ILI"), side = "l", range_scale = .4, alpha = 0.25, shape = 21) + scale_fill_biomeViz(palette = "viz3") + labs(subtitle = "biomeViz minimal") + theme_biomViz_minimal() p.gen <- plotByGroup(ps, x.factor="ILI", y.numeric = "Shannon") + gghalves::geom_half_point( ggplot2::aes_string(fill="ILI"), side = "l", range_scale = .4, alpha = 0.25, shape = 21) + scale_fill_biomeViz(palette = "viz3") + labs(subtitle = "biomeViz general") + theme_biomViz() ((p.base | ) / ( p.min | p.gen ) ) + plot_layout(guides = "collect")
Plot the features with the highest abundance in all samples.
library(biomeUtils) library(biomeViz) plotTopAbundant(SprockettTHData, taxa_level = "Family", top=10L, aes(color=Phylum)) + theme_biomViz_minimal() + scale_colour_biomeViz_summer()
library(biomeUtils) library(biomeViz) library(microbiome) library(dplyr) library(tidyHeatmap) # Transform to relative abundance ps <- FuentesIliGutData %>% microbiome::transform("compositional") # Select taxa to plot. This avoid overcrowding select_taxa <- findTopTaxa(ps, top= 10, method="mean") p <- plotTidyHeatmap(ps, select_taxa = select_taxa, group_samples_by = "ILI", add_taxa_label = FALSE, cluster_rows = FALSE, .scale = "none", # no scaling only relative abundance transform = NULL, palette_grouping = list(biomeViz_palettes$viz3)) %>% add_line(age) p
Rain clouds are effective to visualize data. Read more about their utility here Allen M, Poggiali D, Whitaker K et al. Raincloud plots: a multi-platform tool for robust data visualization [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. Wellcome Open Res 2021, 4:63 link
library(biomeUtils) library(biomeViz) library(microbiome) library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) ps <- FuentesIliGutData %>% microbiome::aggregate_taxa("Genus") %>% microbiome::transform("compositional") plotTaxaRaincloud(ps, taxa ="Bacteroides", group_samples_by = "ILI", opacity = 0.25, shape_point = 21) + # combine with ggplot2 for improvements labs(y = "Relative abundance", x = "", subtitle = expression(paste("Raincloud plot showing the distribution of ",italic("Bacteroides")))) + theme_biomViz()+ scale_fill_manual(values = c("#3d6721", "#a86826", "#006c89"), guide = "none") + scale_color_manual(values = c("#3d6721", "#a86826", "#006c89"), guide = "none") + theme(plot.subtitle = element_text(margin = margin(t = 5, b = 10)), plot.margin = margin(10, 25, 10, 25))
Plot CLR abundance of multiple taxa.
ps <- FuentesIliGutData %>% microbiome::aggregate_taxa("Genus") %>% microbiome::transform("clr") <- c("Bacteroides","Blautia","Roseburia","Faecalibacterium") plotTaxaRaincloud(ps, taxa =, group_samples_by = "ILI", opacity = 0.25, shape_point = 21) + # combine with ggplot2 for improvements labs(y = "CLR Abundance", x = "") + theme_biomViz_bw() + theme(strip.text.x = element_text(face = "italic")) + scale_fill_manual(values = c("#3d6721", "#a86826", "#006c89"), guide = "none") + scale_color_manual(values = c("#3d6721", "#a86826", "#006c89"), guide = "none")
A Principal Coordinates Analysis for phyloseq
object. To visualize similarities/dissimilarities between samples in 2D ordination. This function extends the phyloseq
ordination plots to include taxa that correlate with chosen axis and plots them along with a side boxplot for comparing inter-sample variation within groups.
library(biomeUtils) library(dplyr) library(ggside) ps <- FuentesIliGutData %>% microbiome::transform("compositional") %>% mutateTaxaTable(FeatureID = taxa_names(FuentesIliGutData)) plotPCoA(x =ps, group_var = "ILI", ord_method = "PCoA", dist_method = "bray", seed = 1253, cor_method = "spearman", verbose = TRUE, padj_cutoff = 0.05, padj_method = "fdr", arrows = TRUE, label_col = "grey30", plot_centroids = TRUE, add_side_box = TRUE, axis_plot = c(1:2), point_shape = 21, # point_shape point_alpha = 0.5) + theme_biomViz_minimal() + scale_color_manual(values = c("#3d6721", "#a86826", "#006c89")) + scale_fill_manual(values = c("#3d6721", "#a86826", "#006c89"))
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