readBinSPK: Read a binary SPK file

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readBinSPKR Documentation

Read a binary SPK file


SPK (Spacecraft and Planet Kernel) is a binary file format developed by NAIF to store ephemerides (trajectory) of celestial bodies and spacecraft in the Solar System. The file format is based on the DAF architecture (see readBinDAF). A detailed description of the SPK file format can be found in NAIF's documentation (

Each SPK file contains several segments, with each segment comprising a summary (or descriptor), a name and an array of double precision elements. Each segment is conceptually equivalent to an array in the context of generic DAF files. There are several types of SPK segments defined by NAIF, each identified by an SPK type code currently ranging from 1 to 21 (some intermediate values are not used or not available for general public use). Each segment type provides ephemerides information in a different way. Note that the segments stored in a single SPK file can be of different types. A detailed description of the organization of the arrays for each SPK type can be found at

This function allows to read SPK binary files of all types except 4, 6, 7 and 16. The data will be presented properly formatted and the meaning of each element is assigned during the reading process of the file. It should be noted that this function just reads SPK kernels; it does not provide any evaluation of ephemerides at arbitrary target times. The process of performing such evaluation differs between SPK types. For example, types 2, 3, 14 and 20 require Chebyshev interpolation; typees 8 and 9 require Lagrange interpolation; type 10 requires the aplication of SGP4/SDP4, etc. Nevertheless, it is still possible to obtain direct ephemerides information just by reading the SPK kernels since many of the types often include reference state vectors between which interpolation is applied, but that can be directly used at the epochs corresponding to said reference state vectors.





Path to the binary SPK file.


A list with two elements. The first element, named comments, is a character vector where each element is a line of comments.

The second element is named segments, and is a nested list where each top-level element represents one of the segments stored in the SPK file and its associated metadata. Each of the top-level elements is itself a list with the following 3 elements:

  • segmentName : String with the name of the segment

  • segmentSummary : A list with the multiple doubles and integers that are stored in each array summary of summary records and which provide metadata describing each array. In the case of SPK files, these are always the following 9 elements:

    • SPKType : A description of the type of SPK segment

    • initialEpoch : The initial epoch for the interval for which ephemeris data are provided in the segment, in ephemeris seconds (equivalent to TDB seconds) past Julian year 2000

    • finalEpoch : The initial epoch for the interval for which ephemeris data are provided in the segment, in ephemeris seconds (equivalent to TDB seconds) past Julian year 2000

    • targetNAIFCode : The NAIF integer code for the object for which the segment provides ephemerides. For details, see

    • targetNAIFCode : The NAIF integer code for the central body of the reference frame in which the segment provides ephemerides. For details, see

    • frameNAIFCode : The NAIF frame code for the reference frame in which the segment provides ephemerides. For details, see

    • SPKType : The SPK type code for the segment

    • initialArrayAddress : The initial address of the array elements corresponding to this segment within the SPK file, in double precision numbers (in order to obtain byte address, multiply by 8 and subtract 7)

    • finalArrayAddress : The final address of the array elements corresponding to this segment within the SPK file, in double precision numbers (in order to obtain byte address, multiply by 8 and subtract 7)

  • segmentData : A list with the actual ephemeris data contained in the segment, as well as some type-specific additional metadata

The contents of the last element, segmentData, are different for each SPK type. Here a summary is provided for each one, but for more detailed descriptions see NAIF's documentation.

For type 1, which provide Modified Difference Arrays (MDAs), a list where each element is one of the records of the segment. Each of these elements contains the following elements:


The reference epoch that should be used when using this MDA to compute a state vector


The final epoch for which this MDA should be used to compute a state vector


A vector of differences between the reference point and the epochs of all the other data points used to fit the interpolation polynomials from which the MDA is derived. This is of length 15


A numeric vector of length 3 containing the X, Y and Z components of the position at the reference epoch, in km


A numeric vector of length 3 containing the X, Y and Z components of the velocity at the reference epoch, in km/s


A matrix with 15 rows and 3 columns providing the constant coefficients to interpolate position, velocity and acceleration at a target epoch. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd columns give the coefficients for the X, Y and Z components respectively. The given coefficients basically are the coefficients of the interpolation polynomial when expressed in Modified Divided Differences (MDD) form. For details, see Shampine and Gordon, 1975. Note that even though the matrix will always have 15 rows (corresponding to 15 coefficients for each components, or an interpolation polynomial degree of 14), some of these can have a value of 0 up to the 15th row, effectively leading to an interpolation polynomial of degree lower than 14.


The maximum order for the interpolation polynomial that should be applied amongst all 3 components plus 1. For example, if the interpolation polynomial orders for the X, Y and Z components are 6, 8 and 7 respectively, this element will have a value of 9 ((max(c(6,8,7))+1)).


A vector of 3 integers indicating the order of the interpolation polynomials that should be applied for the X, Y and Z components of acceleration respectively.

A brief description is provided here for the meaning of the coefficients, based on the 'SPICE spke01 math' monograph by Robert Werner. MDAs are a modified version of the more standard coefficients obtained through the divided differences method, which represent an interpolation polynomial in Newton form. In order to calculate a position and velocity, first the basis functions must be computed for both position and velocity. Then each of the components of the basis functions (each of an increasing degree) must be multiplied by the corresponding MDA coefficient, and all the resulting terms are summed.

For type 2, which provide Chebyshev coefficients for position only and at equally spaced time steps, a list with the following elements:

  • polynomialDegree : An integer indicating the order of the interpolation polynomial that should be applied for all the components.

  • chebyshevCoefficients : A matrix where each row corresponds to an interpolation interval, and with the following columns:

    • initialEpoch : Initial epoch of the interpolation intervals, in ephemeris (TDB) seconds since J2000

    • midPoint : Epoch for the midpoint of the interpolation intervals, in ephemeris (TDB) seconds since J2000

    • intervalRadius : Radius of the interpolation intervals, in seconds)

    • positionXCoeffi : A set of N columns, with i ranging from 1 to N, providing the Chebyshev coefficients for the X component of the position. N is the number of coefficients for each component, which is equal to polynomialDegree + 1

    • positionYCoeffi : As positionXCoeffi, but for the Y component of position.

    • positionZCoeffi : As positionXCoeffi, but for the Z component of position.

For type 3, which provide Chebyshev coefficients for position and velocity and at equally spaced time steps, the same as for type 2, but chebyshevCoefficients contains the following additional elements:


A set of N columns, with i ranging from 1 to N, providing the Chebyshev coefficients for the X component of the velocity. N is the number of coefficients for each component, which is equal to polynomialDegree + 1


As velocityXCoeffi, but for the Y component of velocity.


As velocityXCoeffi, but for the Z component of velocity.

For type 5, which provide discrete state vectors to be propagated following the laws of two-body motion, a list with the following elements:

  • centralBodyGM The GM parameter (gravitational constant) for the central body, in cube kilometers per square seconds

  • stateVectors A matrix where each row corresponds to a state vector, and with the following columns:

    • epoch : Epoch of the state vectors intervals, in ephemeris (TDB) seconds since J2000

    • positionX : X component of the position, in km

    • positionY : Y component of the position, in km

    • positionZ : Z component of the position, in km

    • velocityX : X component of the velocity, in km/s

    • velocityY : Y component of the velocity, in km/s

    • velocityZ : Z component of the velocity, in km/s

For type 8, which provide discrete state vectors at equally spaced time steps to which Lagrange interpolation should be applied to obtain state vectors at arbitrary target times, a list with the following elements:

  • polynomialDegree : The degree of the interpolation polynomial that should be applied

  • stateVectors : A matrix where each row corresponds to a state vector, and with the following columns:

    • epoch : Epoch of the state vectors intervals, in ephemeris (TDB) seconds since J2000

    • positionX : X component of the position, in km

    • positionY : Y component of the position, in km

    • positionZ : Z component of the position, in km

    • velocityX : X component of the velocity, in km/s

    • velocityY : Y component of the velocity, in km/s

    • velocityZ : Z component of the velocity, in km/s

For type 9, which provide discrete state vectors at unequally spaced time steps to which Lagrange interpolation should be applied to obtain state vectors at arbitrary target times, the same as for type 8.

For type 10, which provide TLE that should be propagated with SGP4/SDP4, a list with the following elements:

  • constants : A list with the following constants used by SGP4/SDP4:

    • J2 : J2 parameter (dimensionless)

    • J3 : J3 parameter (dimensionless)

    • J4 : J4 parameter (dimensionless)

    • sqrtGM : Square root of the GM parameter, where GM is in cube Earth radii per square minutes

    • highAltBound : High altitude boundary for atmospheric model (in km)

    • lowAltBound : Low altitude boundary for atmospheric model (in km)

    • earthRadius : Equatorial radius of Earth (in km)

    • distUnitsPerRadius : Distance units per Earth radius. This is usually 1. If different than 1, interprete results with caution

  • TLEs : A matrix where each row corresponds to a TLE, and with the following columns (nutation angles and their rates are not present in some old SPK files, in which case they will have NULL values):

    • epoch : Epoch of the TLE, in ephemeris (TDB) seconds since J2000

    • meanMotionDerivative : First derivative of the mean motion in radians/min^2

    • meanMotionSecondDerivative : Second derivative of the mean motion in radians/min^3

    • Bstar : Drag coefficient of the satellite in units of (earth radii)^-1. Bstar is an adjusted value of the ballistic coefficient of the satellite, and it indicates how susceptible it is to atmospheric drag.

    • inclination : Mean orbital inclination of the satellite in radians

    • ascension : Mean longitude of the ascending node of the satellite at epoch, also known as right ascension of the ascending node, in radians

    • eccentricity : Mean eccentricity of the orbit of the object

    • perigeeArgument : Mean argument of the perigee of the object in radians

    • meanAnomaly : Mean anomaly of the orbit of the object in radians

    • meanMotion : Mean motion of the satellite at epoch in radians/min

    • deltaPsi : Obliquity (psi angle) of the nutation at epoch, in radians

    • deltaEpsilon : Longitude (epsilon angle) of the nutation at epoch, in radians

    • deltaPsiDerivative : Derivative of the obliquity (psi angle) of the nutation at epoch, in radians/second

    • deltaEpsilonDerivative : Derivative of the longitude (epsilon angle) of the nutation at epoch, in radians/second

For type 12, which provide discrete state vectors at equally spaced time steps to which Hermite interpolation should be applied to obtain state vectors at arbitrary target times, the same as for type 8, but the list contains an additional element:


The window size that should be applied during interpolation

For type 13, which provide discrete state vectors at unequally spaced time steps to which Hermite interpolation should be applied to obtain state vectors at arbitrary target times, the same as for type 12.

For type 14, which provide Chebyshev coefficients for position and velocity and at unequally spaced time steps, the same as for type 3.

For type 15, which provide elements for calculation of ephemerides through the application of a precessing conic propagation model, a list with the following elements:


Epoch of the periapsis passage in ephemeris (TDB) seconds since J2000


X component of the unit trajectory pole vector, in km


Y component of the unit trajectory pole vector, in km


Z component of the unit trajectory pole vector, in km


X component of the unit periapsis vector, in km


Y component of the unit periapsis vector, in km


Z component of the unit periapsis vector, in km


Semi-latus rectum, in km


Eccentricity of the orbit


Flag indicating what J2 corrections should be applied when propagating. If 1, regress line of nodes only. If 2, precess line of apsides only. If 3, don't use any corrections. For any other values, regress line of nodes and precess line of apsides


X component of the unit central body pole vector, in km


Y component of the unit central body pole vector, in km


Z component of the unit central body pole vector, in km


The GM parameter (gravitational constant) for the central body, in cube kilometers per square seconds


The J2 parameter for the central body (dimensionless)


Radius of the central body, in km

For type 17, which provide equinoctial elements modelling an object following an elliptic orbit with precessing line of nodes and argument of periapse relative to the equatorial frame of a central body, a list with the following elements:


Epoch of the periapsis passage in ephemeris (TDB) seconds since J2000


Semi-major axis of the orbit, in km


Value of the equinoctial parameter H at epoch


Value of the equinoctial parameter K at epoch


Mean longitude of the orbit at epoch, in radians


Value of the equinoctial parameter P


Value of the equinoctial parameter Q


Derivative of the longitude of periapse at epoch (but it is assumed to be constant at other times), in radians/s


Derivative of the mean longitude at epoch (but it is assumed to be constant at other times), in radians/s


Derivative of the longitude of the ascending node at epoch, in radians/s


Right ascension of the pole of the orbital reference system relative to the reference frame of the corresponding SPK segment, in radians


Declination of the pole of the orbital reference system relative to the reference frame of the corresponding SPK segment, in radians

For type 18, which provide ephemerides in the format used by ESA on the Mars Express, Rosetta, SMART-1 and Venus Express missions (although applicable to any other object), there are 2 different subtypes: subtype 0 and subtype 1. Subtype 0 should be used to perform sliding-window Hermite interpolation of position and velocity independently. Subtype 1 should be used to perform sliding-window Lagrange interpolation of position and velocity independently. In both cases, segmentData is a list with the following elements:

  • subTypeCode : Subtype code for the type 18 SPK segment

  • polynomialDegree : An integer indicating the order of the interpolation polynomial that should be applied for all the components.

  • interpolationType : Type of the interpolation that should be applied. Hermite for subtype 0, and Lagrange for subtype 1

  • windowSize : The window size that should be applied during interpolation

  • meanLongitude : Mean longitude of the orbit at epoch, in radians

  • stateVectors : A matrix where each row corresponds to a state vector. The columns differ depending on the subtype. The following will always be present:

    • epoch : Epoch of the state vectors intervals, in ephemeris (TDB) seconds since J2000

    • positionX : X component of the position, in km

    • positionY : Y component of the position, in km

    • positionZ : Z component of the position, in km

    The following are present for subtype 0:

    • firstVelocityX : X component of the first velocity value, in km/s. The first velocity value should be used together with the reference position to interpolate position values

    • firstVelocityY : Y component of the first velocity value, in km/s

    • firstVelocityZ : Z component of the first velocity value, in km/s

    • secondVelocityX : X component of the second velocity value, in km/s. The second velocity value should be used together with the reference acceleration to interpolate velocity values

    • secondVelocityY : Y component of the second velocity value, in km/s

    • secondVelocityZ : Z component of the second velocity value, in km/s

    • accelerationX : X component of the acceleration, in km/s^2

    • accelerationY : Y component of the acceleration, in km/s^2

    • accelerationZ : Z component of the acceleration, in km/s^2

    The following are present for subtype 1:

    • velocityX : X component of the velocity, in km/s

    • velocityY : Y component of the velocity, in km/s

    • velocityZ : Z component of the velocity, in km/s

For type 19, which provides the same data as type 18 but condensing multiple type 18 segments into a single 19 segments (only possible if all the segments have the same target object, central body and reference frame; additionally, the coverage of the segments must overlap only at endpoints and leave no gaps), a list with the following 2 elements:

  • boundaryChoiceFlag : A flag indicating which minisegment should be used for the epochs at which 2 minisegments overlap. If 0, the earlier minisegment that ends at that epoch is used. If 1, the later minisegment that begins at that epoch is used

  • minisegments : A nested list where each top-level element represents a type 19 subsegment (called minisegments in NAIF's documentation), each of which is a list with the same elements as a segmentData for a type 18 SPK segment, plus the following 2 additional elements:

    • intervalStartEpoch : Beginning of the interpolation interval covered by this minisegment, in ephemeris (TDB) seconds since J2000

    • intervalEndEpoch : End of the interpolation interval covered by this minisegment, in ephemeris (TDB) seconds since J2000 Furthermore, a third subtype can be found in type 19 minisegments which is not found for type 18 segments (at least according to NAIF's documentation). This has subtype code 2, and should be used to perform sliding-window Hermite interpolation of position and velocity together (note the difference with subtype 0, where position and velocity are interpolated independently). In this case, element interpolationType has a value of "Hermite-joint", and the element describing the minisegment contains the same elements as a type 18 SPK segment of subtype 1 (and not of subtype 0).

For type 20, which provide which provide Chebyshev coefficients for velocity only and at equally spaced time steps together with a reference position (so that position can be interpolated by integration of velocity), a list with the following elements:

  • polynomialDegree : An integer indicating the order of the interpolation polynomial that should be applied for all the components.

  • dScale : Distance scale used for both position and velocity, in km. For example, if dScale has a value of 149597870.7 (the length of an astronomical unit, AU, in km), it means the distance units are AU.

  • tScale : Time scale used for velocity, in TDB seconds. For example, a value of 1 means we are using velocity directly in TDB seconds. A value of 86400 means the time units of velocity would be TDB Julian days, etc.

  • chebyshevCoefficients : A matrix where each row corresponds to an interpolation interval, and with the following columns:

    • initialEpoch : Initial epoch of the interpolation intervals, in ephemeris (TDB) seconds since J2000

    • midPoint : Epoch for the midpoint of the interpolation intervals, in ephemeris (TDB) seconds since J2000

    • intervalRadius : Radius of the interpolation intervals, in seconds)

    • velocityXCoeffi : A set of N columns, with i ranging from 1 to N, providing the Chebyshev coefficients for the X component of the velocity. N is the number of coefficients for each component, which is equal to polynomialDegree + 1

    • velocityYCoeffiAs velocityXCoeffi, but for the Y component of velocity.

    • velocityZCoeffiAs velocityXCoeffi, but for the Z component of velocity.

    • midPointPositionX : X component of the reference position, valid at the midpoint of the interpolation interval. Should be used to interpolate position through integration.

    • midPointPositionYAs midPointPositionX, but for the Y component of velocity.

    • midPointPositionZAs midPointPositionX, but for the Z component of velocity.

For type 21, which, like type 1, also provide MDAs, the same nested list as for type 1, with 2 differences. Firstly, unlike for type 1, MDAs of type 21 segments are not limited to a maximum of 15 coefficients per component. Second, each top-level element of the nested list contains an additional element:


The number of coefficients provided for the component with the highest interpolation order

References Shampine, L. F. and Gordon, M. K., Computer Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: The Initial Value Problem, 1975 Robert Werner, SPICE spke01 math, 2022.


# The file vgr2_jup230.bsp provided with the package includes information for the
# Jupiter flyby of Voyager 2

testSPK <- readBinSPK(paste0(path.package("asteRisk"), "/vgr2_jup230.bsp"))
# It contains a single segment
# The segment is of type 1, containing Modified Difference Arrays
# It contains 566 MDAs

Rafael-Ayala/asteRisk documentation built on May 16, 2024, 5:24 p.m.