readGPSNavigationRINEX: Read a RINEX navigation file for GPS satellites

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readGPSNavigationRINEXR Documentation

Read a RINEX navigation file for GPS satellites


RINEX (Receiver Independent Exchange Format) is one of the most widely used formats for providing data of satellite navigation systems. The RINEX standard defines several structured text file types file types, among which navigation files are used to distribute positional information of the satellites. The exact information provided in a RINEX navigation file varies for each satellite navigation system. This function reads RINEX navigation files for satellites of the GPS constellation, operated by the USA.





Path to the GPS RINEX navigation file.


A list with two elements. The first element, named header, is a list with the information contained in the header of the RINEX file. For files using RINEX major version 2, it contains the following elements:


Version of the RINEX format used in the file


Type of RINEX file


Program used to generate the RINEX file


Individual or organization that generated the file


Date-time string indicating when the file was created


Coefficient for ionospheric correction A0


Coefficient for ionospheric correction A1


Coefficient for ionospheric correction A2


Coefficient for ionospheric correction A3


Coefficient for ionospheric correction B0


Coefficient for ionospheric correction B1


Coefficient for ionospheric correction B2


Coefficient for ionospheric correction B3


A0 parameter, corresponding to bias between GPST and UTC time at the reference time (Tot) given by fields referenceTimeUTC and referenceWeekUTC. Should be used to compute accurate time in UTC


A1 parameter, corresponding to the clock drift between GPST and UTC at the reference time (Tot) given by fields referenceTimeUTC and referenceWeekUTC. Should be used to compute accurate time in UTC


Time in seconds of current UTC week of Tot, which is the reference time to correct GPST time to UTC


UTC reference week number (continuous scale, not modulo 1024) of Tot.


Leap seconds introduced since the 6th of January, 1980. Useful to convert to UTC time (UTC time = GPS time - leap seconds)


Miscellaneous comments found in the header of the RINEX file

For files using RINEX major version 3, it contains the following elements:


Version of the RINEX format used in the file


Type of RINEX file


Character indicating the satellite system. For GLONASS, it should be "R"


Program used to generate the RINEX file


Individual or organization that generated the file


Date-time string indicating when the file was created


String indicating the type of system time correction, which defines the exact meaning of the system time correction parameters A0 and A1 and between what time systems these allow conversion. Possible values are (the definition of A0/A1 are given between brackets): GAUT, for GAL to UTC (a0/a1); GPUT, for GPS to UTC (a0/a1); SBUT, for SBAS to UTC (a0/a1); GLUT, for GLO to UTC (TauC/0); GAGP or GPGA, for GPS to GAL (A0G/A1G); GLGP, for GLO to GPS (TauGPS/0); QZGP, for QZS to GPS (a0/a1); QZUT, for QZS to UTC (a0/a1); BDUT, for BDS to UTC (A0UTC/A1UTC); IRUT, for IRN to UTC (A0UTC/A1UTC); IRGP, for IRN to GPS (A0/A1). Note that GPS RINEX navigation files will typically contain system time corrections of type GPUT


A0 parameter (bias) for system time correction in seconds


A1 parameter (drift) for system time correction in seconds/seconds


Reference time for system time corrections, in seconds into GPS/GAL/BDS/QZS/IRN/SBAS week. The correction to be applied to the system time should be calculated as: Correction=A0 + A1*(ephemerisTime - timeCorrectionReferenceTime)


Reference week number for the system time correction reference time. For GPS/GAL/QZS/IRN/SBAS, it is a continuous week scale since 6th of January 1980. For BDS, it is a continuous week scale since 1st of January 2006. For GLONASS, it is set to 0


String indicating the GNSS satellite that is broadcasting the time system difference for system time correction


String indicating the exact UTC type (specific UTC realization) to which system time correction parameters refers to


Current number of leap seconds


Number of leap seconds at a reference date for leap seconds specified by the following week number and week day. Note that the date specified by said week number and day can be either in the past or future


Week number for the reference date to which deltaTimeLeapSeconds refers. Given as continuous week number from either 6th of January 1980 (GPS week number) or from 1st of January 2006 (BDS week number). Field leapSecondsTimeSystemIdentifier specifies which of the 2 systems is used.


Day of week number for the reference date to which deltaTimeLeapSeconds refers. Ranges from 1-7 for reference dates in GPS, or 0-6 for reference dates in BDS. The first day of each week (1 for GPS, 0 for BDS) is considered to be Sunday


String indicating the time system used for the week number and day number for the future/past leap seconds reference date. Can be either "GPS" or "BDS" (BeiDou)


String indicating the time system used for the week number and day number for the future/past leap seconds reference date. Can be either "GPS" or "BDS" (BeiDou)


List where each element contains the fields required to perform a given type of ionospheric corrections. The contents of each element of this list are detailed below


Miscellaneous comments found in the header of the RINEX file

As mentioned above, for RINEX files of version 3.00 and above, the header element contains a list named ionosphericCorrections. Each element of this list is in turn a list itself, with the following elements:


A string indicating the type of ionospheric correction for which this element provides coefficients. Can be GAL, GPSA, GPSB, QZSA, QZSB, BDSA, BDSB, IRNA or IRNB. The specific coefficients given in the following elements vary depending on the type of ionospheric correction. For GAL, 3 coefficients are given (a0-a2). For GPSA, QZSA, BDSA and IRNA, 4 coefficients are given (alpha0-alpha3). For GPSB, QZSB, BDSB and IRNB, 4 coefficients are given (beta0-beta1)


3 (for GAL correction) or 4 (for all other corrections) elements providing the ionospheric correction coefficients. The names of the elements vary depending on the type of correction, as stated above


Character indicating the transmission time. The field is only mandatory for corrections of type BDSA and BDSB. It can be a letter from "A" to "X", with each letter indicating a 1-hour interval: A=00h-01h, B=01h-02hB, ..., X=23h-24h


Character indicating the transmission time. The field is only mandatory for corrections of type BDSA and BDSB. It can be a letter from "A" to "X", with each letter indicating a 1-hour interval: A=00h-01h, B=01h-02hB, ..., X=23h-24h


String indicating the satellite that provided the ionospheric correction parameters. The field is only mandatory for BDSA and BDSB corrections. If multiple sources are available for the same type of BDSA/BDSB correction, these should be given priority according to the satellite that provided them as follows: BDS GEO satellites first, followed by BDS IGSO satellites, and finally BDS MEO satellites

The second element is named messages, and it contains one element for each navigation message found in the RINEX file. Each of these elements is a list with the following elements that provide information about the position of the GPS satellite:


PRN code of the satellite. Unique PRN codes are assigned to all satellites in global navigation satellite systems, and therefore provide an identifier for each of them


Toc year in 4-digit format. Toc is the GPS time of the specific satellite that should be used as the time reference to apply clock bias, clock drift and possibly even clock drift rate, as well as a relativistic correction, as described in the GPS system specification ( to obtain the corrected GPST system time. The GPST system time can be converted to UTC time by subtracting leap seconds since the 6th of January 1980 and performing another polynomial correction to account for bias and drift between GPST and UTC times.


Toc month


Toc day


Toc hour


Toc minute


Toc second


Clock bias (i.e., constant offset) at Toc that should be applied to the satellite time in order to calculate accurate GPST. In seconds. Often referred to as af0.


Clock drift of the satellite clock at Toc that should be applied to the satellite time in order to calculate accurate GPST. In seconds. Often referred to as af1.


Rate of change for the clock drift of the satellite clock at Toc. It is frequently 0, but if not, it should be applied in combination with clock bias and clock drift in order to correct to GPST as accurately as possible. In seconds per square second. Often referred to as af2.


Issue-of-data ephemeris. It acts as a time-stamp or unique identifier for the provided navigation data. In particular, the IODE of a given navigation message should never be the same as the IODE for any other navigation message broadcasted by the same satellite in the past 6 days, although violations of this rule have been observed. Most frequently, IODE are not reused in a period of 7 days, so that they match exactly the IODC.


Amplitude of the sine harmonic component for the correction of orbital radius. In meters


Mean motion difference from computed value. In radians per second. In order to obtain the real (perturbed) mean motion, first the Keplerian mean motion should be calculated from the semi-major axis. Then, deltaN should be added to it.


Corrected mean motion calculated by adding deltaN to the value computed from the semi-major axis. In radians per second


Mean anomaly of the satellite at epoch. In radians. This indicates where the satellite is along its orbital path. It is provided as the angle between the direction of the perigee and the hypothetical point where the object would be if it was moving in a circular orbit with the same period as its true orbit after the same amount of time since it last crossed the perigee had ellapsed. Therefore, 0 denotes that the object is at the perigee. This is a Keplerian orbital element.


Amplitude of the cosine harmonic component for the correction of latitude argument. In radians


Eccentricity of the orbit of the satellite at epoch. This is a Keplerian orbital element.


Amplitude of the sine harmonic component for the correction of latitude argument. In radians


Semi-major axis of the orbit of the satellite at epoch. In meters. This is a Keplerian orbital element


Time of the GPS week (in seconds) for the ephemeris. Together with the toeGPSWeek, it can be used to calculate the ephemeris time in GPS time of the specific satellite, to which sequential corrections first to GPST and then to UTC should be applied.


Amplitude of the cosine harmonic component for the correction of inclination. In radians


Longitude of the ascending node of the satellite at epoch, also known as right ascension of the ascending node, in radians. This is the angle between the direction of the ascending node (the point where the satellite crosses the equatorial plane moving north) and the direction of the First Point of Aries (which indicates the location of the vernal equinox). This is a Keplerian orbital element.


Amplitude of the sine harmonic component for the correction of inclination. In radians


Mean orbital inclination of the satellite in radians. This is the angle between the orbital plane of the satellite and the equatorial plane. This is a Keplerian orbital element.


Amplitude of the cosine harmonic component for the correction of orbital radius. In meters.


Mean argument of the perigee of the object in radians. This is the angle between the direction of the ascending node and the direction of the perigee (the point of the orbit at which the object is closest to the Earth). This is a Keplerian orbital element.


Angular velocity of the satellite with respect to the vernal equinox. In radians/second.


Flag indicating if coarse/acquisition (C/A) code is being transmitted on the L2 channel (value of 1) or not (value of 0)


GPS week number at epoch


Flag indicating if precise (P) code is being transmitted on the L2 channel (value of 1) or not (value of 0)


Accuracy of the position of the satellite, in meters.


Code indicating the health of the satellite. 0 if healthy.


Bias difference between codes broadcasted on L1 and the ionospheric-free combination of the codes broadcasted at L1 and L2, in seconds. This parameter, also known as timing group delay (TGD), should be considered when calculating satellite clock error.


Issue-of-data clock. It acts as a time-stamp or unique identifier for the provided navigation data. In particular, the IODC of a given navigation message should never be the same as the IODC for any other navigation message broadcasted by the same satellite in the past 7 days, although violations of this rule have been observed. Most frequently, IODE are not reused in a period of 7 days instead of the mandatory 6 days, so that they match exactly the IODC.


Transmission time for the navigation message, in seconds of GPS week.


Flag indicating for how long the broadcasted ephemeris are valid since the last time the data was updated. It should be noted that in order to obtain positional values/orbital elements at times other than epoch, the corrections for perturbed orbital elements should be applied and propagated. If 0, the ephemeris data are valid for up to 4 hours. If 1, they are valid for more than 4 hours.


A nanotime object indicating the time corresponding to the reported position (ephemeris) in the present message. The time is in UTC, obtained by first applying the individual clock bias, clock drift and clock drift rate of the particular satellite (fields clockBias, clockDrift and clockDriftRate of each message) and a relativistic correction to obtain corrected GPST time (system-wide GPS time), and then subtraction of leap seconds since the 6th of January 1980 and a second polynomial correction (with fields deltaUTCA0 and deltaUTCA1 from the header) to obtain UTC time. Corrections are performed as described in the GPS system specifications (


Position of the satellite in the ITRF frame, calculated from the provided orbital ephemeris following the procedure described in the GPS system specifications. In meters.


Velocity of the satellite in the ITRF frame, calculated from the provided orbital ephemeris following the procedure described in the GPS system specifications. In meters/second.


Acceleration of the satellite in the ITRF frame, calculated from the provided orbital ephemeris following the procedure described in the GPS system specifications. In meters/squared second.



# The file testGPSRINEXv2.txt provided with the package includes 3 navigation
# messages from 3 GPS satellites

testGPSnav <- readGPSNavigationRINEX(paste0(path.package("asteRisk"), 

Rafael-Ayala/asteRisk documentation built on May 16, 2024, 5:24 p.m.