Man pages for RajLabMSSM/echoconda
echoverse module: conda environment management

activate_envActivate conda env
check_accessCheck access
check_executables_remoteCheck executable(s)
cmd_printNeatly print commands
create_envCreate conda env
create_env_basiliskCreate conda env: basilisk
create_env_cliCreate conda env from yaml: CLI
env_existsCheck whether a conda env exists
env_to_yamlCreate yaml file from env
find_condaFind conda
find_env_rlibFind the R library for a specific env
find_executables_remoteFind remotely stored executable(s)
find_install_dirFind a directory to install software in
find_packagesFind package across all conda envs
find_python_pathFind the python file for a specific env
fix_pathFix path
get_echoRGet echoR
get_osGet OS
import_cliImport Command Line Interface tool
install_condaInstall conda
install_conda_basiliskInstall conda: basilisk
install_conda_reticulateInstall conda: reticulate
list_envsList conda envs
list_packagesList conda envs
list_yamlsList included yaml files
name_from_yamlName from yaml
parse_optionsParse options
remove_envRemove conda environment
set_rhomeSet 'R_HOME'
which_envPrint the currently activated conda env
yaml_to_envCreate conda env from yaml file
RajLabMSSM/echoconda documentation built on June 6, 2024, 10:38 a.m.