
#                                   DeepSEA
# .-------------'```'----....,,__                        _,
# |                               `'`'`'`'-.,.__        .'(
# |                                             `'--._.'   )
# |                                                   `'-.<
# \               .-'`'-.                            -.    `\
# \               -.o_.     _                     _,-'`\    |
#     ``````''--.._.-=-._    .'  \            _,,--'`      `-._(
#       (^^^^^^^^`___    '-. |    \  __,,..--'                 `
#        `````````   `'--..___\    |`
#            `-.,'

# DeepSEA can be installed/used in several ways:

# 1) Submit a vcf/bed/fasta files to the DeepSEA server through their website:
# http://deepsea.princeton.edu/job/analysis/create/

# 2) Install DeepSEA through kipoi:
# https://anaconda.org/bioconda/kipoi
## 2.1 Install Kipoi via Conda: 
# https://anaconda.org/bioconda/kipoi
######## > conda install -c bioconda kipoi 
## 2.2: Install DeepSEA via Kipoi:  
# http://kipoi.org/models/DeepSEA/
# Specifically, DeepSEA/variantEffects is the one you want if you're using summary stats as input.
######## > kipoi env install DeepSEA

# 3) Install standalone DeepSEA from the original authors:
# http://deepsea.princeton.edu/help/

# 4) Install via reimplementation of DeepSEA on GitHub
# https://github.com/danvk/deepsea
# OR
# https://github.com/jimmyyhwu/deepsea
RajLabMSSM/echolocatoR documentation built on Jan. 29, 2023, 6:04 a.m.