Man pages for RandiIP/blm
Fit Bayesian Linear Regression Models

blmFit the data to a model using bayesian linear regression
coef.blmThe coefficients of a blm object
confint.blmThe confidence intervals of a blm object
deviance.blmThe deviance of a blm object
fit_modelFit the model
fitted.blmThe fitted response of a blm object
make_model_matrixMake a model matrix
make_priorMake the prior distribution
make_responseless_matrixMake a responseless model matrix
plot.blmPlot a blm object
predict.blmThe predicted response of a blm object
predict_responsePredicting responses
print.blmPrint a blm object
residuals.blmThe residuals of a blm object
summary.blmPrint a summary of a blm object
RandiIP/blm documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:21 a.m.