
#' @name testvar
#' @title Significance Test for Random Effects
#' Calculates the p-value for the test of the slope variance and intercept-slope covariance using the likelihood ratio test method.
#' @param outp is the lmer model object.
#' @param p is string of the variance component you want tested (place in double quotes).
#' @param testcov is FALSE by default for the variance component. If testcov = TRUE, the function retuns the test of the intercept-component covariance.
#' @details
#' @export
testvar <- function(outp, p = "intercept", testcov = FALSE){

  pvalCorrected <- function(chisq, df){
    (pchisq(chisq, df, lower.tail=FALSE) + pchisq(chisq, df - 1, lower.tail=FALSE))/2

  callStuff <- as.character(outp@call)
  dat <- get(callStuff[3])
  rdat <- data.frame(VarCorr(outp))
  ran_list <- rdat[nrow(rdat)-1, c(1:nrow(rdat)-1)]
  out <- str_remove_all(substr(callStuff[2], 1, str_locate(callStuff[2], "~")-1), " ")

  #string for fixed part of the formula
  fmf <- str_remove_all(substr(callStuff[2], 1, str_locate(callStuff[2], "\\(")-1), " ")
  #string for random part of the formula
  fmr <- str_remove_all(substr(callStuff[2], str_locate(callStuff[2], "\\("), str_locate(callStuff[2], "\\)")), " ")

  fmr_omit <- str_remove(fmr, str_c("\\+", p))

  #needs a routine for creating the formulas for when the intercept is removed
  if(p == "intercept"){

    #string for omitting the intercept
    fmr_omit <- str_replace(str_remove(fmr, "1\\+"), "\\|", "-1|")
    form_omit <- formula(str_c(fmf, fmr_omit, collapse = ""))

    fmr_sep <- str_c(fmr_omit,"+","(","1","|", ran_list$grp[1],")")
    form_sep <- formula(str_c(fmf, fmr_sep, collapse = ""))

    mod_omit <- lmer(form_omit, data = dat)
    mod_sep <- lmer(form_sep, data = dat)

    fff <- -2*logLik(mod_omit)[1]+2*logLik(mod_sep)[1]
    pval <- pvalCorrected(as.numeric(fff), 1)

    return(data.frame(Outcome = out,
                      VarComponent = p,
                      Chi_Squared = fff,
                      df = 1,
                      p_value = pval))

  fmr_sep <- str_c(fmr_omit,"+","(",p,"-1","|", ran_list$grp[1],")")
  form <- formula(str_c(fmf, fmr, collapse = ""))
  form_omit <- formula(str_c(fmf, fmr_omit, collapse = ""))
  form_sep <- formula(str_c(fmf, fmr_sep, collapse = ""))

  mod_full <- lmer(form, data = dat)
  mod_omit <- lmer(form_omit, data = dat)
  mod_sep <- lmer(form_sep, data = dat)

    fff <- -2*logLik(mod_sep)[1]+2*logLik(mod_full)[1]
    pval <- pchisq(fff, 1, lower.tail=FALSE)

    return(data.frame(Var1 = ran_list$var1[1],
                      Var2 = ran_list$var2[1],
                      Chi_Squared = fff,
                      df = 1,
                      p_value = pval))

  fff <- -2*logLik(mod_omit)[1]+2*logLik(mod_sep)[1]
  pval <- pvalCorrected(as.numeric(fff), 1)

  return(data.frame(Outcome = out,
                    VarComponent = p,
                    Chi_Squared = fff,
                    df = 1,
                    p_value = pval))
RandiLGarcia/daticmlm documentation built on May 23, 2019, 1:09 p.m.