  comment = "#",
    error = FALSE,
     tidy = FALSE,
    cache = FALSE,
 collapse = TRUE

In this vignette you will learn how to perform any join operation using resources available in the data.table syntax.

It assumes familiarity with the data.table syntax. If that is not the case, please read the following vignettes:

1. Defining example data

To illustrate how to use the method available with real life examples, let's simulate a normalized database from a little supermarket by performing the following steps:

  1. Defining a data.table where each product is represented by a row with some qualities, but leaving one product without id to show how the framework deals with missing values.
Products = data.table(
  id = c(1:4,
  name = c("banana",
  price = c(0.63,
  unit = c("unit",
  type = c(rep("natural", 2L),
           rep("processed", 3L))

  1. Defining a data.table showing the proportion of taxes to be applied for processed products based on their units.
NewTax = data.table(
  unit = c("unit","ounce"),
  type = "processed",
  tax_prop = c(0.65, 0.20)

  1. Defining a data.table simulating the products received every Monday with a product_id that is not present in the Products table.

ProductReceived = data.table(
  id = 1:10,
  date = seq(from = as.IDate("2024-01-08"), length.out = 10L, by = "week"),
  product_id = sample(c(NA_integer_, 1:3, 6L), size = 10L, replace = TRUE),
  count = sample(c(50L, 100L, 150L), size = 10L, replace = TRUE)

  1. Defining a data.table to show some sales that can take place on weekdays with another product_id that is not present in the Products table.
sample_date = function(from, to, size, ...){
  all_days = seq(from = from, to = to, by = "day")
  weekdays = all_days[wday(all_days) %in% 2:6]
  days_sample = sample(weekdays, size, ...)
  days_sample_desc = sort(days_sample)


ProductSales = data.table(
  id = 1:10,
  date = ProductReceived[, sample_date(min(date), max(date), 10L)],
  product_id = sample(c(1:3, 7L), size = 10L, replace = TRUE),
  count = sample(c(50L, 100L, 150L), size = 10L, replace = TRUE)


2. data.table joining syntax

Before taking advantage of the data.table syntax to perform join operations we need to know which arguments can help us to perform successful joins.

The next diagram shows a description for each basic argument. In the following sections we will show how to use each of them and add more complexity little by little.

x[i, on, nomatch]
| |  |   |
| |  |   \__ If NULL only returns rows linked in x and i tables
| |  \____ a character vector o list defining match logict
| \_____ primary data.table, list or data.frame
\____ secondary data.table

Please keep in mind that the standard argument order in data.table is dt[i, j, by]. For join operations, it is recommended to pass the on and nomatch arguments by name to avoid using j and by when they are not needed.

3. Equi joins

This the most common and simple case as we can find common elements between tables to combine.

The relationship between tables can be:

In most of the following examples we will perform one to many matches, but we are also going to take the time to explain the resources available to perform many to many matches.

3.1. Right join

Use this method if you need to combine columns from 2 tables based on one or more references but keeping all rows present in the table located on the right (in the the square brackets).

In our supermarket context, we can perform a right join to see more details about the products received as this is relation one to many by passing a vector to the on argument.

         on = c(id = "product_id")]

As many things have changed, let's explain the new characteristics in the following groups:

3.1.1. Joining by a list argument

If you are following the vignette, you might have found out that we used a vector to define the relations between tables in the on argument, that is really useful if you are creating your own functions, but another alternative is to use a list to define the columns to match.

To use this capacity, we have 2 equivalent alternatives:

         on = list(id = product_id)]
         on = .(id = product_id)]

3.1.2. Alternatives to define the on argument

In all the prior example we have pass the column names we want to match to the on argument but data.table also have alternatives to that syntax.

ProductsChangedName = setnames(copy(Products), "id", "product_id")

ProductsChangedName[ProductReceived, on = .NATURAL]
ProductsKeyed = setkey(copy(Products), id)

ProductReceivedKeyed = setkey(copy(ProductReceived), product_id)


3.1.3. Operations after joining

Most of the time after a join is complete we need to make some additional transformations. To make so we have the following alternatives:

Our recommendation is to use the second alternative if possible, as it is faster and uses less memory than the first one.

Managing shared column Names with the j argument

The j argument has great alternatives to manage joins with tables sharing the same names for several columns. By default all columns are taking their source from the the x table, but we can also use the x. prefix to make clear the source and use the prefix i. to use any column form the table declared in the i argument of the x table.

Going back to the little supermarket, after updating the ProductReceived table with the Products table, it seems convenient apply the following changes:

  on = c("id" = "product_id"),
  j = .(product_id =,
        name =,
        received_id =,
        date =,
        total_value = price * count)
Summarizing with on in data.table

We can also use this alternative to return aggregated results based columns present in the x table.

For example, we might interested in how much money we expend buying products each date regardless the products.

dt1 = ProductReceived[
  on = c("product_id" = "id"),
  by = .EACHI,
  j = .(total_value_received  = sum(price * count))

dt2 = ProductReceived[
  on = c("product_id" = "id"),
][, .(total_value_received  = sum(price * count)),
  by = "product_id"

identical(dt1, dt2)

3.1.4. Joining based on several columns

So far we have just joined data.table base on 1 column, but it's important to know that the package can join tables matching several columns.

To illustrate this, let's assume that we want to add the tax_prop from NewTax to update the Products table.

NewTax[Products, on = c("unit", "type")]

3.2. Inner join

Use this method if you need to combine columns from 2 tables based on one or more references but keeping only rows matched in both tables.

To perform this operation we just need to add nomatch = NULL or nomatch = 0 to any of the prior join operations to return the same results.

# First Table
         on = c("id" = "product_id"),
         nomatch = NULL]

# Second Table
                on = .(product_id = id),
                nomatch = NULL]

Despite both tables have the same information, they present some relevant differences:

3.3. Not join

This method keeps only the rows that don't match with any row of a second table.

To apply this technique we just need to negate (!) the table located on the i argument.

         on = c("id" = "product_id")]

As you can see, the result only has 'banana', as it was the only product that is not present in the ProductReceived table.

                on = c("product_id" = "id")]

In this case, the operation returns the row with product_id = 6, as it is not present on the Products table.

3.4. Semi join

This method extract keeps only the rows that match with any row in a second table without combining the column of the tables.

It's very similar to subset as join, but as in this time we are passing a complete table to the i we need to ensure that:

To make this, you can apply the following steps:

  1. Perform a inner join with which = TRUE to save the row numbers related to each matching row of the x table.
SubSetRows = Products[
  on = .(id = product_id),
  nomatch = NULL,
  which = TRUE

  1. Select and sort the unique rows ids.
SubSetRowsSorted = sort(unique(SubSetRows))

  1. Selecting the x rows to keep.

3.5. Left join

Use this method if you need to combine columns from 2 tables based on one or more references but keeping all rows present in the table located on the left.

To perform this operation, we just need to exchange the order between both tables and the columns names in the on argument.

                on = list(product_id = id)]

Here some important considerations:

3.5.1. Joining after chain operations

One of the key features of data.table is that we can apply several operations before saving our final results by chaining brackets.


So far, if after applying all that operations we want to join new columns without removing any row, we would need to stop the chaining process, save a temporary table and later apply the join operation.

To avoid that situation, we can use special symbols .SD, to apply a right join based on the changed table.

       on = c("unit", "type")
][, ProductReceived[.SD,
                    on = list(product_id = id)],
  .SDcols = !c("unit", "type")]

3.6. Many to many join

Sometimes we want to join tables based on columns with duplicated id values to later perform some transformations later.

To illustrate this situation let's take as an example the product_id == 1L, which have 4 rows in our ProductReceived table.

ProductReceived[product_id == 1L]

And 4 rows in our ProductSales table.

ProductSales[product_id == 1L]

To perform this join we just need to filter product_id == 1L in the i table to limit the join just to that product and set the argument allow.cartesian = TRUE to allow combining each row from one table with every row from the other table.

                             on = "product_id",
                             nomatch = NULL],
                on = "product_id",
                allow.cartesian = TRUE]

Once we understand the result, we can apply the same process for all products.

                on = "product_id",
                allow.cartesian = TRUE]

allow.cartesian is defaulted to FALSE as this is seldom what the user wants, and such a cross join can lead to a very large number of rows in the result. For example, if Table A has 100 rows and Table B has 50 rows, their Cartesian product would result in 5000 rows (100 * 50). This can quickly become memory-intensive for large datasets.

3.6.1. Selecting one match

After joining the table we might find out that we just need to return a single join to extract the information we need. In this case we have 2 alternatives:

ProductReceived[ProductSales[product_id == 1L],
                on = .(product_id),
                allow.cartesian = TRUE,
                mult = "first"]
ProductReceived[ProductSales[product_id == 1L],
                on = .(product_id),
                allow.cartesian = TRUE,
                mult = "last"]

3.6.2. Cross join

If you want to get all possible row combinations regardless of any particular id column we can follow the next process:

  1. Create a new column in both tables with a constant.
ProductsTempId = copy(Products)[, temp_id := 1L]
  1. Join both table based on the new column and remove it after ending the process, as it doesn't have reason to stay after joining.
AllProductsMix =
                 on = "temp_id",
                 allow.cartesian = TRUE]

AllProductsMix[, temp_id := NULL]

# Removing type to make easier to see the result when printing the table
AllProductsMix[, !c("type", "i.type")]

3.7. Full join

Use this method if you need to combine columns from 2 tables based on one or more references without removing any row.

As we saw in the previous section, any of the prior operations can keep the missing product_id = 6 and the soda (product_id = 4) as part of the results.

To save this problem, we can use the merge function even thought it is lower than using the native data.table's joining syntax.

merge(x = Products,
      y = ProductReceived,
      by.x = "id",
      by.y = "product_id",
      all = TRUE,
      sort = FALSE)

4. Non-equi join

A non-equi join is a type of join where the condition for matching rows is not based on equality, but on other comparison operators like <, >, <=, or >=. This allows for more flexible joining criteria. In data.table, non-equi joins are particularly useful for operations like:

It's a great alternative if after applying a right of inner join:

To illustrate how this work, let's center over attention on how are the sales and receives for product 2.

ProductSalesProd2 = ProductSales[product_id == 2L]
ProductReceivedProd2 = ProductReceived[product_id == 2L]

If want to know, for example, if can find any receive that took place before a sales date, we can apply the next code.

                     on = "product_id",
                     allow.cartesian = TRUE
][date <]

What does happen if we just apply the same logic on the list passed to on?

                     on = list(product_id, date < date)]

Now, after applying the join, we can limit the results only show the cases that meet all joining criteria.

                     on = list(product_id, date < date),
                     nomatch = NULL]

5. Rolling join

Rolling joins are particularly useful in time-series data analysis. They allow you to match rows based on the nearest value in a sorted column, typically a date or time column.

This is valuable when you need to align data from different sources that may not have exactly matching timestamps, or when you want to carry forward the most recent value.

For example, in financial data, you might use a rolling join to assign the most recent stock price to each transaction, even if the price updates and transactions don't occur at the exact same times.

In our supermarket example, we can use a rolling join to match sales with the most recent product information.

Let's assume that the price for Bananas and Carrots changes at the first date of each month.

ProductPriceHistory = data.table(
  product_id = rep(1:2, each = 3),
  date = rep(as.IDate(c("2024-01-01", "2024-02-01", "2024-03-01")), 2),
  price = c(0.59, 0.63, 0.65,  # Banana prices
            0.79, 0.89, 0.99)  # Carrot prices


Now, we can perform a right join giving a different prices for each product based on the sale date.

                    on = .(product_id, date),
                    roll = TRUE,
                    j = .(product_id, date, count, price)]

If we just want to see the matching cases we just need to add the argument nomatch = NULL to perform an inner rolling join.

                    on = .(product_id, date),
                    roll = TRUE,
                    nomatch = NULL,
                    j = .(product_id, date, count, price)]

7. Taking advange of joining speed

7.1. Subsets as joins

As we just saw in the prior section the x table gets filtered by the values available in the i table. Actually, that process is faster than passing a Boolean expression to the i argument.

To filter the x table at speed we don't to pass a complete data.table, we can pass a list() of vectors with the values that we want to keep or omit from the original table.

For example, to filter dates where the market received 100 units of bananas (product_id = 1) or popcorn (product_id = 3) we can use the following:

ProductReceived[list(c(1L, 3L), 100L),
                on = c("product_id", "count")]

As at the end, we are filtering based on a join operation the code returned a row that was not present in original table. To avoid that behavior, it is recommended to always to add the argument nomatch = NULL.

ProductReceived[list(c(1L, 3L), 100L),
                on = c("product_id", "count"),
                nomatch = NULL]

We can also use this technique to filter out any combination of values by prefixing them with ! to negate the expression in the i argument and keeping the nomatch with its default value. For example, we can filter out the 2 rows we filtered before.

ProductReceived[!list(c(1L, 3L), 100L),
                on = c("product_id", "count")]

If you just want to filter a value for a single character column, you can omit calling the list() function pass the value to been filtered in the i argument.

         on = "name",
         nomatch = NULL]

         on = "name"]

7.2. Updating by reference

The := operator in data.table is used for updating or adding columns by reference. This means it modifies the original data.table without creating a copy, which is very memory-efficient, especially for large datasets. When used inside a data.table, := allows you to add new columns or modify existing ones as part of your query.

Let's update our Products table with the latest price from ProductPriceHistory:

               on = .(id = product_id),
               j = `:=`(price = tail(i.price, 1),
                        last_updated = tail(, 1)),
               by = .EACHI][]

In this operation:


Rdatatable/data.table documentation built on Nov. 20, 2024, 6:44 p.m.