
# library(YahooTickers)
# library(dplyr)
# library(tidyr)
# context("Testing get_returns()")
# stocks <- tibble(
#   time = as.Date('2009-01-01') + 0:4,
#   X    = rnorm(5, 0, 1),
#   Y    = rnorm(5, 0, 2),
#   Z    = rnorm(5, 0, 4)
#   ) %>%
#   pivot_longer(-time)
# stocks %>% get_returns(.group = stock, .type = arithmetic, .omit_na = TRUE, ret = price)
# test_that("A tibble is returned with the correct dimmensions", {
#   # .omit_na = FALSE do not delete any row
#   expect_equal(
#     get_returns(.tbl = stocks, .group = stock, .type = arithmetic, .omit_na = FALSE, price) %>%
#       nrow(),
#     15
#     )
#   # .omit_na = TRUE does
#   expect_equal(
#     get_returns(.tbl = stocks, .group = stock, .type = arithmetic, .omit_na = TRUE, price) %>%
#       nrow(),
#     12
#   )
#   # col names can be given on the fly
#   expect_equal(
#     get_returns(.tbl = stocks, .group = stock, .type = arithmetic, .omit_na = TRUE, price_ret = price) %>%
#       names() %>%
#       last(),
#     "price_ret"
#     )
# })
Reckziegel/YahooTickers documentation built on Nov. 29, 2021, 9:45 p.m.