Man pages for RedJane/tfbs.qsam
The analysis of TFBS by QSAM

coliE.coli genome
coli.tfbsE.coli TFBS
evidenceShort evidence representation
pls.analysisPLS-DA analysis
process.predPrediction data processing
QSAM.seqDNA sequences from QSAM-vector
seq.QSAMQSAM-transformation of DNA sequences
sliding.sumCalculation of sliding sums
tfbs.posTFBS positions on the E.coli chromosome
TFBS.QSAM-packageThe analysis of TFBS by QSAM
tf_datasetThe list contains all information about E.coli TFBS taken...
tf_equallengthThe list contains an information taken from RegulonDB 8.2...
VIPFuction to calculate VIP-values for variables
RedJane/tfbs.qsam documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:37 a.m.