Visualizing Decision Trees and Forest objects with Revolution R and the RevoEnhancements package

Our package RevoEnhancements on github now contains an enhancement to RevoScaler that enables plotting of rxDtree and rxDForest objects.

First, load the required packages:


Plotting decision trees:

The Revolution function to create a decision tree is rxDTree. We use rxDTree to fit a partition tree of the diamonds data, restricting the maximum tree depth to 3, simply to make the plot stand out better.

### Create and plot an rxDTree object

frm <- formulaExpand(price ~ ., data=diamonds)
fit <- rxDTree(frm, diamonds, maxDepth=3)

Since the package RevoEnhancements exports a method for plot.rxDTree, we simply have to call plot(fit) to visualise the tree:

par(mar=c(0.2, 0.2, 1.5, 0.2))
par(mai=rep(0.1, 4))

The function plot.rxDTree takes additional arguments to control the plot and text characteristics:

For example, to set the text colour to blue and the character expansion to 0.7, use the textArgs argument:

     textArgs=list(col="blue", cex=0.7))

To also set the plot title, use the plotArgs argument:

     textArgs=list(col="blue", cex=0.7), 
     plotArgs=list(main="Decision tree"))

Plotting Decision Forests:

For comparison we fit a decision forest on the same diamonds data. This creates a rxDForest object. This object is a list and the individual trees are contained in the forest element.

### Create and plot an rxDForest object

fit <- rxDForest(frm, diamonds, maxDepth=3)
forest <- fit$forest

Now we can plot the individual trees. Since each individual tree of an rxDForest object is itself and rxDTree object, the plotting is identical to what we illustrated earlier:

par(mar=c(0.2, 0.2, 1.5, 0.2))
par(mai=rep(0.1, 4))
plot(forest[[1]], textArgs=list(col="blue", cex=0.7))

Again, you can take control of the plot with the plotArgs and textArgs arguments:

     textArgs=list(col="blue", cex=0.7), 
     plotArgs=list(main="Decision forest: Tree 1"))
     textArgs=list(col="blue", cex=0.7), 
     plotArgs=list(main="Decision forest: Tree 2"))

RevoEnhancements/RevoEnhancements documentation built on May 9, 2019, 9:46 a.m.