
## Some investigatory work on implementing Dehn's method for group
## presentations.


                                        # dehn2(c(1,-3,-3,-3,2,2,1,1,1,1,7),8)

`dehn` <- function(x,r){ #  x is  2r>n; in each row, first 'r' columns equal
                                        #  to last 'n-r' columns.
    l <- length(x)
    f <- function(n,x){c(
                         +x[process(seq(from=n  ,by=+1,len=r  ),l)],


## x1 <- c(1,-2,-2,-2,4,5)
## substrings(x1,4)
`substrings` <- function(v,r){ # substrings of 'v', of length 'r'
    jj <- length(v)-r+1
    A <- matrix(0,jj,r)

## we will define 'original' and try and reduce it with 'relator'

remove_adjacent_inverses <- function(x){
    jj <- which(rowSums(cbind(x,shift(x)))==0)
    } else {

comb <- function(x){
    xold <- c(x,1)


`use_relator_n` <- function(orig,relator,n){

  ## cycles through all substrings of the presentation element
  ## 'relator', searching for an opportunity to replace part of 'orig'
  ## with its equivalent.  If nothing is found, return 'orig'
  ## unchanged.

  ## If you want to shorten 'orig', then make sure that 'n' is
  ## sufficiently large because otherwise this function will blindly
  ## replace a short substring of 'orig' with a *longer* equivalent.
  ## To guarantee only shortening substitutions are made, 'n' needs to
  ## be longer than half relator: 2*n>length(relator)

  ## R> orig <- c(1,2,2,2,4,5,1)
  ## R> relator <- c(-4,-2,-2,4,7)
  ## R> simplify(orig,relator,3)

    s <- seq_len(n)
    o <- dehn(relator,n)
    p <- substrings(orig,n)
  found <- FALSE
  for(i in seq_len(nrow(o))){
    for(j in seq_len(nrow(p))){
      if(all(o[i,s] == p[j,s])){

        ## what we *want* to do is this.  If, say, i=8,j=3,
        ## and n=3 then we want to say
        ## "orig[3:5] <- dehn(relator, 3)[8, 4:5]" ...but this
        ## doesnt work (for good reasons)
        ## so we are  going to have to build up the thing from bits:

            bit1 <- orig[seq_len(j-1)]
              bit2 <- o[i,,to=length(relator))]
            } else {
              bit2 <- NULL
            bit3 <- orig[,to=length(orig))]
        if(j+n <= length(orig)){
          bit3 <-     orig[,to=length(orig))]
        } else {
          bit3 <-  NULL
  return(orig)   # original string returned, no change.  Not sure about this.

orig <- c(1,2,2,2,4,5,1)
orig1 <- c(66,66,66,66,1,2,2,2,4,5,1)
relator <- c(-4,-2,-2,4,7)

## In the above, 'orig' is the original string and 'relator' is an
## element of the presentation.  The original string 'orig' =
## c(1,2,2,2,4,5,1) = 1222451 = ab^3dea in algebraic notation; and
## 'relator' = c(-4,-2,-2,4,7) = d^{-1}b^{-2} dg=Id.  Thus relator=Id
## gives 244=47.  We can therefore re-write orig as 1222451 =
## 12.224.51 = 12.47.51=124751 = abdgea, which is shorter.

jj <- use_relator_n(orig,relator,3)

## R> 

use_relator <- function(orig,relator){
  ## all sensible values of 'n', tried one at a time.  Returns the
  ## first word found that is shorter than 'orig', if it exists: that
  ## is, it "uses" the presentation element 'relator' at most once (ie
  ## not at all if it doesn't find a shortening).

  lp <- length(relator)
  for(n in seq(from=ceiling(lp/2 + 0.01), to=lp)){
    orig.possibly.shorter <- use_relator_n(orig,relator,n)
    if(length(orig.possibly.shorter) < length(orig)){  # found a shortening!
      return(orig.possibly.shorter)  # actually, if we are here then
                                     # orig.possibly.shorter is
                                     # *definitely* shorter-not just
                                     # possibly shorter; use_relator()
                                     # exits here
  } # for(n) loop closes
  return(orig)     # possibly the same length as orig (but hopefully shorter)

use_single_relator <- function(orig,relator){   ## repeatedly
                                           ## shortens 'orig' using
                                           ## 'relator' until it
                                           ## cannot be shortened any
                                           ## further.

  perhaps_further_shortening_possible <- TRUE
    orig.possibly.shorter <- remove_adjacent_inverses(use_relator(orig,relator))
    if(length(orig.possibly.shorter) == length(orig)){  # found no shortening!
      perhaps_further_shortening_possible <- FALSE # no shortening possible, close while() loop
    orig <- orig.possibly.shorter
  return(orig)  # hopefully shorter, but possibly same length as, function argument orig

`comb_relatorlist` <- function(orig, relatorlist){
  ## Function comb_relatorlist() goes through a whole list of
  ## presentation elements; skeleton similar to that of
  ## comb_single_relator()

    orig.possibly.shorter <- orig
    for(i in seq_along(relatorlist)){
      orig.possibly.shorter %<>% use_single_relator(relatorlist[[i]])  # maybe shorten more than once
    if(length(orig.possibly.shorter) == length(orig)){  # no shortening found after going through all relatorlist
      return(orig)  # function exits
    } else {  # found a shortening;
      orig <- orig.possibly.shorter  # Here, 'orig.possibly.shorter' is *definitely* shorter than orig
  }  # iterate the while() loop once more, hoping to find further shortening
  stop("this cannot happen")

is_simply_reduced <- function(...){}

## presentation for quaternion group:
rl <- list(c(-1,-1), c(2,2,-1), c(3,3,-1),c(4,4,-1),c(2,3,4,-1))

thing <- c(1,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,3,2,4,4,4,4)
jj <- comb_relatorlist(thing,rl)
RobinHankin/freegroup documentation built on July 31, 2024, 2 a.m.