
# Some work on the Great British Bake-Off.  The simulation takes about twenty minutes to run.


allbakers <- c("Alice","Amelia","Dan","David","Helena","Henry",

## NB alphabetical order.

## Below, we define rank vectors week01-week10 in which the contestants appear in alphabetical order.

week01 <- c(Alice = 5, Amelia = 4, David = 10, Dan = 9, Helena = 12, Henry = 1, Jamie = 13, Michael = 11, Michelle = 6, Phil = 8, Priya = 7, Rosie = 2, Steph = 3)
week02 <- c(Alice = 1, Amelia = 9, David =  2,          Helena = 12, Henry = 6, Jamie = 11, Michael =  4, Michelle = 8, Phil = 3, Priya = 7, Rosie = 5, Steph =10)
week03 <- c(Alice = 7, Amelia =11, David =  2,          Helena =  8, Henry = 1,             Michael =  6, Michelle = 5, Phil =10, Priya = 4, Rosie = 9, Steph = 3)
week04 <- c(Alice = 8,             David =  2,          Helena =  9, Henry = 3,             Michael =  7, Michelle = 5, Phil = 6, Priya =10, Rosie = 4, Steph = 1)
week05 <- c(Alice = 6,             David =  9,          Helena =  1, Henry = 3,             Michael =  8, Michelle = 7,           Priya = 2, Rosie = 5, Steph = 4)
week06 <- c(Alice = 1,             David =  2,                       Henry = 4,             Michael =  6,                         Priya = 7, Rosie = 5, Steph = 3)
week07 <- c(Alice = 6,             David =  2,                       Henry = 3,             Michael =  5,                                    Rosie = 1, Steph = 4)
week08 <- c(Alice = 3,             David =  1,                       Henry = 5,                                                              Rosie = 2, Steph = 4)
week09 <- c(Alice = 4,             David =  2,                                                                                               Rosie = 1, Steph = 3)
week10 <- c(Alice = 2,             David =  1,                                                                                                          Steph = 3)

## Below, we define rank vectors w01-w10 which represent the same
## information as week01-week10 but the contestants appear in the
## (reverse) order in which they were eliminated.  Thus David is first
## because he was eliminated last, and Dan is last because he was
## eliminated first.

w01 <- c(David = 10, Alice = 5, Steph = 3, Rosie = 2, Henry = 1, Michael = 11, Priya = 7, Michelle = 6, Helena = 12, Phil = 8, Amelia = 4, Jamie = 13, Dan = 9)
w02 <- c(David =  2, Alice = 1, Steph =10, Rosie = 5, Henry = 6, Michael =  4, Priya = 7, Michelle = 8, Helena = 12, Phil = 3, Amelia = 9, Jamie = 11)
w03 <- c(David =  2, Alice = 7, Steph = 3, Rosie = 9, Henry = 1, Michael =  6, Priya = 4, Michelle = 5, Helena =  8, Phil =10, Amelia =11)
w04 <- c(David =  2, Alice = 8, Steph = 1, Rosie = 4, Henry = 3, Michael =  7, Priya =10, Michelle = 5, Helena =  9, Phil = 6)
w05 <- c(David =  9, Alice = 6, Steph = 4, Rosie = 5, Henry = 3, Michael =  8, Priya = 2, Michelle = 7, Helena =  1)
w06 <- c(David =  2, Alice = 1, Steph = 3, Rosie = 5, Henry = 4, Michael =  6, Priya = 7)
w07 <- c(David =  2, Alice = 6, Steph = 4, Rosie = 1, Henry = 3, Michael =  5)
w08 <- c(David =  1, Alice = 3, Steph = 4, Rosie = 2, Henry = 5)
w09 <- c(David =  2, Alice = 4, Steph = 3, Rosie = 1)
w10 <- c(David =  1, Alice = 2, Steph = 3)

# Calculate H, the likelihood function for the observed ordering:

H <- (
    rank_likelihood(w01) +
    rank_likelihood(w02) +
    rank_likelihood(w03) +
    rank_likelihood(w04) +
    rank_likelihood(w05) +
    rank_likelihood(w06) +
    rank_likelihood(w07) +
    rank_likelihood(w08) +
    rank_likelihood(w09) +
    rank_likelihood(w10) )

## Now some observed statistics:
mp_obs  <- maxp(H)


# Now some permutation tests:
shuffle <- function(a){
    a[] <- sample(a)

n <- 1000
X <- rep(NA,n)
m <- rep(NA,n)
name_maxlike <- rep("",n)
for(i in seq_len(n)){
  Hstar <- (
      rank_likelihood(shuffle(w01)) + 
      rank_likelihood(shuffle(w02)) + 
      rank_likelihood(shuffle(w03)) + 
      rank_likelihood(shuffle(w04)) + 
      rank_likelihood(shuffle(w05)) + 
      rank_likelihood(shuffle(w06)) + 
      rank_likelihood(shuffle(w07)) + 
      rank_likelihood(shuffle(w08)) + 
      rank_likelihood(shuffle(w09)) +
      rank_likelihood(shuffle(w10)) )

  mp <- maxp(Hstar)
  X[i] <- 2*(loglik(indep(mp),Hstar) - loglik(indep(equalp(Hstar)),Hstar))
  m[i] <- max(mp)
  name_maxlike[i] <- names(which.max(mp))

## In theory, X should be distributed as chi-square with 13-1=12
## degrees of freedom:

## highly significant, not sure why

# Check the asymptotic distribution:
RobinHankin/hyper2 documentation built on May 6, 2024, 4:25 p.m.