#' Get more information from the LPM DATA
#' This function takes three paths and returns an object of type sf with all the columns from the LPM_shapefile
#' specified in the parameter \code{keep_lm}
#' @importFrom sf read_sf st_drop_geometry
#' @importFrom readxl read_excel cell_cols
#' @importFrom tidyr extract
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @return an object of type \code{sf}
#' @param path_IFFI10 Path to the IFFI10 shapefile
#' @param path_LPM_shape Path to the LPM shapefile
#' @param keep_lpm Vector of columns from the lpm shapefile that we want to keep
#' @param dsdf
#' @export
get_additional_information = function(iffi10 = NULL,
path_LPM_shape = "\\\\projectdata.eurac.edu/projects/Proslide/Landslides/Iffi_db_xxxx_to_2018/exportperEurac2020/Shapefiles/LPM_Akten.shp",
path_stato = "\\\\projectdata.eurac.edu/projects/Proslide/Landslides/Iffi_db_xxxx_to_2018/exportperEurac2020/database/Stato delle conoscenze.xls",
keep_lpm = c("ACCGE_IDEN", "GEOKAT_ID", "OGGETTO")) {
# verify that there actually are some paths
# stopifnot("The path to the IFFI10-shapefile does not result in a file..." = file.exists(path_IFFI10))
stopifnot("The path to the LPM-shapefile does not result in a file..." = file.exists(path_LPM_shape))
stopifnot("The path to the Stato delle conoscenze does not result in a file..." = file.exists(path_stato))
# read in the data
# iffi10 = read_sf(path_IFFI10)
lpm_shape = read_sf(path_LPM_shape)
stato = read_excel(path_stato, range = cell_cols("B:F"))
# check if they use the same crs
crs_iffi = st_crs(iffi10)
crs_lpm = st_crs(lpm_shape)
# if not the same --> reproject
if (!crs_iffi == crs_lpm) {
message("Reprojecting the lpm-shapefile to the iffi shape")
lpm_shape = st_transform(lpm_shape, crs_iffi)
# calculate the iffi kodex in the stato excel -----------------------------
# there are duplicates in the calculated iffi-index --> What to do?
stato = stato %>%
mutate(iffi = 10000 * GEN_ID + 100 * GEN_SUBID + 00)
# merge the iffi with stato based on the iffi kodex -----------------------
# this will add the ACCGE_IDEN (in the NOTE-column) to the shape
df_iffi = merge(
by.x = "PIFF_ID",
by.y = "iffi",
all.y = F
) %>%
dplyr::distinct(PIFF_ID, .keep_all = TRUE)
# get the geometry
geom = df_iffi %>% st_geometry()
# get the ACCGE_IDEN from the excel table ---------------------------------
# why does it produce duplicate geometry columns??
df_iffi = df_iffi %>%
st_drop_geometry %>%
col = c("NOTE"),
into = c("ACCGE_IDEN"),
remove = TRUE
# put back the geometry
df_iffi$geom = geom
df_iffi = st_as_sf(df_iffi)
# # remove duplicate geometry column
# index_geometries = names(df_iffi) %>% grep("geom", .)
# if(index_geometries > 1){
# remove_indexes = index_gemetries[2:length(index_geometries)]
# }
# # set all the geometry columns minus the first one to null
# df_iffi[,remove_indexes] = NULL
# remove the spatial information from the lpm_shapefile -------------------
# For us the spatial information from the iffi10-shape is more useful
lpm_no_shape = lpm_shape %>% st_drop_geometry() %>% .[, keep_lpm]
# join the lpm_no_shape_information to the iffi ---------------------------
all_joined = merge(df_iffi, lpm_no_shape, by = "ACCGE_IDEN", all.x=TRUE) %>% st_as_sf()
# return the joined shapefile
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