
Defines functions neighborhood.igraph node_degrees.igraph check.igraph appr.igraph

Documented in appr.igraph

#' @rdname appr
#' @export
appr.igraph <- function(graph, seeds, ...) {

  if (!requireNamespace("igraph", quietly = TRUE))
    stop("`igraph` package must be installed to use igraphs.", call. = FALSE)

  if (is.null(igraph::V(graph)$name))
    igraph::V(graph)$name <- as.character(1:igraph::gorder(graph))

  appr.abstract_graph(graph = graph, seeds = seeds, ...)

check.igraph <- function(graph, nodes) {

  node_names <- names(igraph::V(graph))
  nodes_in_graph <- nodes[nodes %in% node_names]

  nodes_in_graph[igraph::degree(graph, v = nodes_in_graph, mode = "out") > 0]

node_degrees.igraph <- function(graph, nodes) {
    in_degree = igraph::degree(graph, v = nodes, mode = "in"),
    out_degree = igraph::degree(graph, v = nodes, mode = "out")

# character list of neighboring nodes
# treat directed vs undirected differently?
neighborhood.igraph <- function(graph, node) {
  int_node_list <- igraph::ego(
    graph, nodes = node, mode = "out", mindist = 1

  nodes <- int_node_list[[1]]
RoheLab/aPPR documentation built on July 1, 2024, 1:57 p.m.