
Defines functions neighborhood.rtweet_graph node_degrees.rtweet_graph check.rtweet_graph appr.rtweet_graph rtweet_graph

Documented in appr.rtweet_graph rtweet_graph

#' Create an abstract representation of the Twitter friendship graph
#' Signifies that `aPPR` should query the Twitter friendship graph via
#' `rtweet`.
#' @inheritParams rtweet::get_friends
#' @export
rtweet_graph <- function(retryonratelimit = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, n = 5000) {

  if (!requireNamespace("rtweet", quietly = TRUE)) {
      "`rtweet` package must be installed to use `rtweet_graph()`",
      call. = FALSE

  agraph <- abstract_graph(
    retryonratelimit = retryonratelimit,
    verbose = verbose,
    max_friends = n


#' @rdname appr
#' @export
appr.rtweet_graph <- function(graph, seeds, ...) {

  seed_data <- rtweet::lookup_users(
    retryonratelimit = graph$retryonratelimit,
    verbose = graph$verbose

  if (any(seed_data$protected)) {
    stop("Seed nodes should not be protected Twitter accounts.", call. = FALSE)

  # convert seeds, potentially passed as screen names, to user ids
  seeds <- seed_data$id_str


# return character vector of all good nodes in the batch
#' @importFrom glue glue
check.rtweet_graph <- function(graph, nodes) {

  logger::log_debug(glue("Checking nodes"))
  logger::log_trace(glue("Checking nodes: {nodes}"))

  if (length(nodes) < 1)

  node_data <- rtweet::lookup_users(
    retryonratelimit = graph$retryonratelimit,
    verbose = graph$verbose

  if (is.null(node_data) || nrow(node_data) < 1)

  good_nodes <- !node_data$protected & node_data$friends_count > 0

  logger::log_debug(glue("Done checking nodes"))


node_degrees.rtweet_graph <- function(graph, nodes) {

  logger::log_debug(glue("Getting node degrees"))
  logger::log_trace(glue("Getting node degrees for node: {nodes}"))

  # assumes that you want any errors / empty rows when accessing this
  # data, i.e. that the nodes have already been checked

  node_data <- rtweet::lookup_users(
    retryonratelimit = graph$retryonratelimit,
    verbose = graph$verbose

  logger::log_debug(glue("Done getting node degrees"))

    in_degree = node_data$followers_count,
    out_degree = node_data$friends_count

neighborhood.rtweet_graph <- function(graph, node) {

  logger::log_debug(glue("Getting neighborhood: {node}"))

  # if a user doesn't follow anyone, safe_get_friends returns an empty
  # tibble, but instead it should return an empty character vector?
  friends <- rtweet::get_friends(
    users = node,
    n = graph$max_friends,
    retryonratelimit = graph$retryonratelimit,
    verbose = graph$verbose

  logger::log_debug(glue("Done getting neighborhood"))

  if (nrow(friends) < 1) character(0) else friends$to_id
RoheLab/aPPR documentation built on July 1, 2024, 1:57 p.m.