#' Call QPX API
#' Function that calls the QPX API and returns the resulting flights
#' @param apikey The authentication key. See https://developers.google.com/qpx-express/v1/prereqs for details on how to obtain your API key.
#' @param origin Airport or city IATA designator of the origin.
#' @param destination Airport or city IATA designator of the destination.
#' @param date Departure date in YYYY-MM-DD format. If oneway is set to FALSE, the date argument must be a vector of length 2 with depart and return date.
#' @param oneway Boolean identifying if one way or return flight is requested.
#' @param formatted Boolean identifying if the results should be formatted in a R data.frame or returned as a list. The dataframe only contains some of the fields
#' @examples
#' resp <- QPX(apikey = 'yourapikey', origin = 'PSA', destination = 'LON', date = Sys.Date() + 1)
#' resp <- QPX(apikey = 'yourapikey', origin = 'PSA', destination = 'LON', date = c(Sys.Date() + 1, Sys.Date() + 7), oneway = FALSE)
#' @export

QPX <- function(apikey, origin, destination, date, oneway = TRUE, formatted = TRUE) {
    # Check that parameters are correct
    invisible(QPX_check(origin, destination, date, oneway))
    # Create json body data
    body <- QPX_tojson(origin, destination, date, oneway)
    # Send request
    res <- QPX_POST(body, apikey)
    # If formatted is FALSE return the list as it is
    if (!formatted) 
    # Parse results
RossiLorenzo/QPXapi documentation built on May 9, 2019, 10:32 a.m.