
Defines functions keep.best.model

Documented in keep.best.model

#'@title Keep the best model of a \code{distanceList} object
#'@description This function keep the model with the lowest AICc value in a \code{distanceList} object.

#'@param x A \code{distanceList} object. See \code{\link{mcds.wrap}}

#'Select the model with the smallest AICc value. If more than one model has a Delta AICc equal to zero the uniform models
#'are discaded and the best model is chosen randomly between the remaining models. If the two best models are the uniform model, one is chose randomly and a warning is printed.  

#'An object of class \code{"distanceFit"}

#'@section Author:Christian Roy

keep.best.model <- function(x){
    stop("the function can only be applied on distanceList object")  
  n.model <- length(x)
  aicc_values <- sapply(1:n.model, function(i){x[[i]]$AIC[3]})
  delta_aic <- aicc_values - aicc_values[order(aicc_values)[1]]
  best.model <- which(delta_aic==0)
    out <- x[[best.model]]  
    mes <- "Best model selected via AICc ranking\n"
    ans <- sapply(1:length(best.model), function(i){charmatch("Uniform", x[[best.model[i]]]$model_fitting$Global$Type, nomatch = 2)-1})  
      out <- x[[sample(best.model,1)]]  
      mes <- "WARNING: One uniform model has been selected randomly. You should check the observation histogram to make sure that the observation follow the distance sampling assumptions"
      best.model <- best.model[which(ans==1)]
        out <- x[[best.model]] 
        mes <- "A Uniform model with equivalent AICc value was discarded\n"
        out <- x[[sample(best.model,1)]]  
        mes <- "Model selected randomly among the model with the lowest AICc values\n"
RoyChristian/R2MCDS documentation built on Jan. 13, 2020, 8:17 p.m.