  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"

Quake Package

| Current Travis Build Status | Travis-CI Build Status | |-----------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

The quake package visualizes NOAA earthquake data. quake shows when earthquakes happened on a labelled timeline, and where they happened on an interactive map.

Two custom, ggplot2 geometries, geom_timeline and geom_timeline_label make for easy earthquake, timeline plotting and labelling, while function eq_map shows earthquake locations.


quake is available from GitHub and is installed using the devtools package as follows:


Cleaning Data

NOAA data is supplied without a consolidate date column and given locations includes country, as well as province and city. As such, the eq_clean_data function adds a date column as well as one for clean_location.

The example code below reads a sample file using data.table's fread function and cleans it using eq_clean_data. The sample shows the first three rows and columns 1-5, and 48-49 of the cleaned output.


data_file_name <- system.file("extdata", "earthquakes.tsv", package = "quake")
clean_data     <- fread(data_file_name) %>% eq_clean_data
clean_data[1:3, c(1:5, 48:49)] # show 1st three rows and cols 1-5 and 48-49

Plotting an Earthquake Timeline

quake has two custom, ggplot2 geometries to plot earthquake data. geom_timeline plots timelines while geom_timeline_label adds labels to a timeline.

The example code below generates sample data, and plots a timeline showing the dates, magnitudes and countries of the quakes.

Generate sample data:


n        <- 100 # no. samples
# get a list of countries and cities.
cty_file <- system.file("extdata", "countries_cities.csv", package = "quake")
ctry_cty <- (fread(cty_file))[sample(1:.N, size = n, replace = TRUE), ]

# Sample data
dt <- data.table(
  date      = as.Date('2017-01-01') + seq(1, 365, 365/n),
  country   = factor(ctry_cty$Country),
  location  = factor(ctry_cty$City   ),
  intensity = runif(n)*10,
  deaths    = runif(n)*12

Plot the sample data with:

dt %>%
  ggplot() +
      x    = date,
      y    = country,
      size = intensity,
      col  = deaths
    alpha = 0.8
  ) +
  labs(x = "DATE")                                     +
  scale_size_continuous (name = "Richter scale value") +
  scale_color_continuous(name = "# deaths"           ) +
  theme_classic()                                      +

Notice the theme_timeline_with_y_axis_text theme add-on. This is one of two themes provided by the quake package, the other being theme_timeline, which turns off all y-axis graphics including text.

Also notice that by adding y = country, timelines grouped, by country, are produced. Without this optional aesthetic, all quakes will be plotted on a single timeline.

Adding labels to An Earthquake Timeline

The example above shows a timeline without labels. That is, the timeline doesn't indicate the actual locations at which the quakes happened. The geom_timeline_label addresses this problem.

The example below shows a timeline, plotting the same data, but with labels added using geom_timeline_label.

dt %>%
  ggplot() +
  geom_timeline(       # plot the timeline
      x    = date, 
      y    = country, 
      size = intensity, 
      col  = deaths
    alpha = 0.8
  ) + 
  geom_timeline_label( # add labels.
      label = location , # label text
      x     = date     , # x location
      y     = country  , # level to add label at 
      size  = intensity  #
    n_max = 5 # only label 5 most intense quakes
  ) +
  labs(x = "DATE")                                     +
  scale_size_continuous (name = "Richter scale value") +
  scale_color_continuous(name = "# deaths"           ) +
  theme_classic()                                      +

Mapping Quakes

quake also aids visualization by plotting earthquake locations on a map. The code below:


data_file_name <- system.file("extdata", "earthquakes.tsv.gz", package = "quake")

read_delim(data_file_name, delim = "\t") %>%
  eq_clean_data()                                       %>%
  filter(COUNTRY == "MEXICO" & year(date) >= 2000)      %>%
  mutate(popup_text = eq_create_label(.))               %>%
  eq_map(annot_col = "popup_text")

The image below shows sample output. The sample shows example pop-up detail displayed when a user clicks on a quake location.

Sample Map

RussellPolitzky/quake documentation built on May 23, 2019, 10:35 p.m.