dluskora1: dluskora1: a simulator of diffusion-limited REE uptake by...

Description Usage Arguments Note Author(s) References Examples

View source: R/dluskora1.R


"dluskora1" is a useful function to simulate diffusion-limited REE uptake by a growing eclogite garnet. This is another version of the program given by Skora et al. (2006). With this function, we can calculate theoretical REE profiles of a given garnet by setting various parameters which control the growth process of the garnet.


dluskora1(fac1, Q, syR, c_ave, D_0, R, T_1, T_2, K_d, Mr, Mt, fg, ft, garsize)



This parameter equals D_0/A [cm]. A is the garnet growth coefficient (r = A t^(fg)). The meanings of D_0 and fg are shown below. This corresponds to the parameter "u" in Fukushima et al. (2021).


The activation energy of REE diffusion around the garnet [J/mol]


The radius of the system of which the garnet is located at the center [cm]


The initial concentration of REE in the system [ppm]


The pre-exponential factor of the REE diffusion coefficient around the garnet [cm^2/year]


The universal gas constant [m^2 kg s^(-2) K^(-1) mol^(-1)]

T_1, T_2

This function can simulate a situation where the temperature around the system increased and you can set the initial and final temperatures. T_1 is the initial temperature [degree Celsius] and T_2 is the final temperature [degree Celsius].


The partition coefficient > 1 (REE concentration of garnet over REE concentration of the matrix)

Mr, Mt

The numbers of spatial (radial) and time meshes, respectively


The exponent of the garnet's growth law. If you set fg as 1, the garnet will grow with the linear growth rate law: r = A t.


The exponent of the temperature-increase law. If you set ft as 1, the temperature will increase with the linier increase rate law: T = B t.


The final radius of the garnet [cm]


>K_d and A do not depend on temperature in this function. Temperature increase affects only the REE diffusion coefficient around the garnet.

>Diffusion in the garnet is ignored.

>This program is based on a Crank-Nicholson scheme (Crank 1975).

>This function returns "mass_gain_percent" with the REE profile plot. Please check whether its absolute value is very small(~e-4). Your result is not appropriate when the value is too big.


Ryo Fukushima


Crank J (1975) The mathematics of diffusion. Oxford University Press, p414

Fukushima R, Tsujimori T, Aoki S, Aoki K (2021) Trace-element zoning patterns in porphyroblastic garnets in low-T eclogites: Parameter optimization of the diffusion-limited REE-uptake model. Isl Arc 30:e12394

Skora S, Baumgartner LP, Mahlen NJ, Johnson CM, Pilet S, Hellebrand E (2006) Diffusion-limited REE uptake by eclogite garnets and its consequences for Lu–Hf and Sm–Nd geochronology. Contrib Mineral Petrol 152:703-720


dluskora1(fac1=(1.78 *10^(21)), Q=300000, syR=0.60, c_ave=30,
D_0=(4 * 10^(13)), R=8.3, T_1=450, T_2=600, K_d=15, Mr=100,
Mt=45, fg=1, ft=2, garsize=0.27)

Ryo-fkushima/dluskora documentation built on April 24, 2021, 4:36 a.m.