an_preferred: Find one name per feature in the Composite Gazetteer

View source: R/cga_preferred_names.R

an_preferredR Documentation

Find one name per feature in the Composite Gazetteer


The Composite Gazetteer of Antarctica is a compilation of place names provided by different countries and organisations. The composite nature of the CGA means that there may be multiple names associated with a single feature. The an_preferred function can be used to resolve a single name per feature. Provide one or more origin entries and the input gaz will be filtered to a single name per feature. For features that have multiple names (e.g. have been named by multiple countries) a single name will be chosen, preferring names from the specified origin bodies where possible.


an_preferred(gaz, origin, unmatched = "random")



data.frame or SpatialPointsDataFrame: as returned by an_read or an_filter


character: vector of preferred name origins (countries or organisations), in order of preference. If a given feature has been named by one of these bodies, this place name will be chosen. If the feature in question has not been given a name by any of these bodies, a place name given by another body will be chosen, with preference according to the unmatched parameter. For valid origin values, see an_origins


string: how should names be chosen for features that have not been been named by one of the preferred origin bodies? Valid values are "random" (the non-preferred originating bodies will be randomly ordered) or "count" (the non-preferred originating bodies will be ordered by their number of entries, with the largest first)


data.frame of results


See Also

an_read, an_origins


## Not run: 
 g <- an_read(cache = "session")

 ## get a single name per feature, preferring the
 ##  Polish name where there is one
 pnames <- an_preferred(g, origin = "Poland")

 ## names starting with "Sm", preferring US names then
 ##  Australian ones if available
 g %>% an_filter("^Sm") %>%
       an_preferred(origin = c("United States of America", "Australia"))

## End(Not run)

SCAR/antanym documentation built on Sept. 13, 2022, 6:27 p.m.