
Defines functions sqi

Documented in sqi

#' SQI
#' Stream quality index function
#' @param datin input \code{data.frame} with chemical, physical, and biological data
#' @param wq_mod_in input model object for predicting stressed state for water quality
#' @param hab_mod_in input model object for prediction stressed state for habitat
#' @param hithrsh numeric indicating upper threshold for high stress
#' @param lothrsh numeric indicating lower threshold for low stress
#' @details 
#' See \code{\link{sampdat}} for required input format.  \code{wq_mod_in} and \code{hab_mod_in} are both \code{\link[stats]{glm}} objects (\code{\link{wqglm}} and \code{\link{habglm}}) included with the package. 
#' @export
#' @return a \code{data.frame} same as \code{datin} but with new columns for \code{pChem}, \code{pHab}, \code{pChemHab}, \code{BiologicalCondtion}, \code{WaterChemistryCondition}, \code{HabitatCondition}, \code{OverallStressCondition}, and \code{StreamHealthIndex}
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @import mgcv randomForest
#' @examples
#' sqi(sampdat)
sqi <- function(datin, wq_mod_in = NULL, hab_mod_in = NULL, lothrsh = 0.1, hithrsh = 0.9){

  # rf models as default
    wq_mod_in <- wqglm
    hab_mod_in <- habglm
  # probability of stress, chem, hab, and overall
  # model predicts probably of low stress
  # glm predictions
  datin$pChem <- predict(wq_mod_in, newdata = datin, type = "response")
  datin$pHab <- predict(hab_mod_in, newdata = datin, type = "response")
  # combo stress estimate
  datin$pChemHab<- 1 - ((1 - datin$pChem) * (1 - datin$pHab))
  out <- datin %>%
      BiologicalCondition = ifelse(CSCI>=0.79 & ASCI>=0.83,"Healthy",
                                   ifelse(CSCI<0.79 & ASCI<0.83,"Impacted for CSCI and ASCI",
                                          ifelse(CSCI<0.79 & ASCI>=0.83,"Impacted for CSCI",
                                                 ifelse(CSCI>=0.79 & ASCI<0.83,"Impacted for ASCI", "XXXXX"
      WaterChemistryCondition = cut(pChem,
                                    breaks = c(-Inf, lothrsh, hithrsh, Inf),
                                    labels = c('Low', 'Moderate', 'Severe'),
                                    right = F
      HabitatCondition = cut(pHab,
                             breaks = c(-Inf, lothrsh, hithrsh, Inf),
                             labels = c('Low', 'Moderate', 'Severe'),
                             right = F
      OverallStressCondition = cut(pChemHab,
                                   breaks = c(-Inf, lothrsh, hithrsh, Inf),
                                   labels = c('Low', 'Moderate', 'Severe'),
                                   right = F
      OverallStressCondition_detail = ifelse(pChemHab<hithrsh,"Low stress",
                                             ifelse(pChem>=hithrsh & pHab>=hithrsh, "Stressed by chemistry and habitat degradation",
                                                    ifelse(pChem>=hithrsh & pHab<hithrsh, "Stressed by chemistry degradation",
                                                           ifelse(pChem<hithrsh & pHab>hithrsh, "Stressed by habitat degradation",
                                                                  ifelse(pChem<hithrsh & pHab<hithrsh, "Stressed by low levels of chemistry or habitat degradation",
      StreamHealthIndex = ifelse(BiologicalCondition=="Healthy" & OverallStressCondition!="Severe","Healthy and unstressed",
                                 ifelse(BiologicalCondition=="Healthy" & OverallStressCondition=="Severe","Healthy and resilient",
                                        ifelse(BiologicalCondition!="Healthy" & OverallStressCondition!="Severe","Impacted by unknown stress",
                                               ifelse(BiologicalCondition!="Healthy" & OverallStressCondition=="Severe","Impacted and stressed",
    ) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate_if(is.factor, as.character)
SCCWRP/SQI documentation built on April 10, 2022, 1:15 p.m.