Man pages for SCCWRP/SQOUnified
Tools for calculating SQO scores based on three Lines of Evidence (Benthic, Tox, Chem)

benthic.sqoGet Benthic Related Indices, and the Integrated Benthic SQO...
BRICompute the benthic response index (BRI) score and BRI...
BRI.GenericOffshore.NHCompute the benthic response index (BRI) score and BRI...
chemdata_prepPrepare raw chemistry data for analysis, per specifications...
chem.sqoGet Integrated Chem SQO Scores and Categories
create_download_linkCreate download link within an RMarkdown log file
CSIChemical Score Index
helloHello, World!
IBICompute the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) and IBI condition...
init.logFunction to write to a log file
LRMLogistic Regression Model Score
MAMBICompute the multivariate AMBI (M-AMBI) index score.
RBICompute the relative benthic index (RBI) score.
RIVPACSRiver Invertebrate Prediction and Classification System...
SoCalRivpacsThis is the original RIVPACS function. Called by the function...
SQOUnifiedCompute the SQO index scores. Based on the Technical Manual -...
tox.sqoGet Tox SQO Scores and Categories
tox.summaryGet the Statistical Summary for Tox Results Data
writelogFunction to write to a log file
SCCWRP/SQOUnified documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 9:25 p.m.