RIVPACS: River Invertebrate Prediction and Classification System...

View source: R/RIVPACS.R

RIVPACSR Documentation

River Invertebrate Prediction and Classification System (RIVPACS) Index and RIVPACS Condition Category (SoCal only)


For more information concerning RIVPACS, consult the CASQO Technical Manual page 80





data frame stored in the R environment. Note that this data frame MUST contain the following information with these headings:

StationID - an alpha-numeric identifier of the location;

Replicate - a numeric identifying the replicate number of samples taken at the location;

SampleDate - the date of sample collection;

Latitude - latitude in decimal degrees;

Longitude - longitude in decimal degrees. Make sure there is a negative sign for the Western coordinates;

Taxon - name of the fauna, ideally in SCAMIT ed12 format, do not use sp. or spp., use sp only or just the Genus. If no animals were present in the sample use NoOrganismsPresent with 0 abundance;

Abundance - the number of each Species observed in a sample;

Salinity - the salinity observed at the location in PSU, ideally at time of sampling;

Stratum - ;

Exclude - ;



SCCWRP/SQOUnified documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 9:25 p.m.