tox.sqo: Get Tox SQO Scores and Categories

View source: R/toxicity.R

tox.sqoR Documentation

Get Tox SQO Scores and Categories


This function will calculate the tox SQO scores for stations given a dataframe structured as described in the details or the Arguments section. The funtion will get SQO scores for each individual test conducted for a station, as well as the integrated Toxicity LOE SQO score and category





a dataframe with the following columns: stationid, toxbatch, species, sampletypecode matrix, labrep, result. This data must also include the control samples (stationcode 0000, sampletypecode CNEG etc)

The input dataframe is structured as follows:

stationid - an alpha-numeric identifier of the location;

lab - (optional) The laboratory which performed the test

toxbatch - the toxbatch id - used to join with the control sample

species - The Genus and species of the animale that was tested

sampletypecode - The sampletype used Grab, CNEG etc. Control samples must be included

matrix - (optional) Whole Sediment, Sediment Water Interface, etc. Be sure to not include Reference Toxicants

labrep - There should be 5 per station, species pair

result - the percentage that survived the test, or had normal development



SCCWRP/SQOUnified documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 9:25 p.m.